A Conversation for The Myth Of 42 [(5-3+0+5) * (6+0) = 42]

A misinterpretation

Post 1

Zhontac the -17+{9x8}-5-8=42

The Book (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) doesn't say that 6x9=42.
Arthur Dent uncovered the sentence, "What do you get when you multiply six times nine" by picking stones from his makeshift scrabble set, but remember- since he wasn't a pure component of the giant computer known as Earth, the question was distorted. Just thought you should note that.

A misinterpretation

Post 2

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Absolutely - However the whole purpose of what they were doing was to introduce a measure of chance into the Computer Matrix - which they reckoned was not far from completing the Program to find the ultimate Question..... So the Question they came up with may not be the real question, or it may be one of many, but there is a fairly good chance that it is - and it does explain a few things....

(Time dilation is terrible around here - its taken me 24+ hours to write this!)

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