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never say never
LochNessie-Professor of Partially Non Existent Life Forms at the University of Mice,bit down in dumps.... Posted Jun 28, 2006
never say never
Tabitca Posted Jun 28, 2006
the very same. I haven't time to check if I am have palpitation s and panic attacks I have ordered some tuna steaks to make you a nice tea on friday.
never say never
LochNessie-Professor of Partially Non Existent Life Forms at the University of Mice,bit down in dumps.... Posted Jun 28, 2006
Awwww.....thank you. Well, best go and get ready as I'm supposed to appear with a notebook and a career plan with pretty pop-up pictures and musical scores........i.e. I'll arrive with that lot and we'll get distracted and spend 30 minutes talking about something completly unrelated.....
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never say never
- 21: Tabitca (Jun 28, 2006)
- 22: LochNessie-Professor of Partially Non Existent Life Forms at the University of Mice,bit down in dumps.... (Jun 28, 2006)
- 23: Tabitca (Jun 28, 2006)
- 24: LochNessie-Professor of Partially Non Existent Life Forms at the University of Mice,bit down in dumps.... (Jun 28, 2006)
- 25: Tabitca (Jun 28, 2006)
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