This is the Message Centre for Tabitca

never say never

Post 1


warning do not read whilst eating.

I was just saying to daughter and her friend yesterday how well Bagginssmiley - cat is doing and he hasn't been sick for ages....
Oedipussmiley - cat got me up at 5am....I thought there must be someone in the housesmiley - yikes creeps downstairs.....
No he wanted to show me bagginssmiley - cat had thrown up all over the rug in the kitchensmiley - yuk...sigh....
said rug is now getting washed and I am bleary eyed because i couldn't get back to sleepsmiley - online2long
what an exciting life I leadsmiley - laugh cat vomit cleaner upper..maybe I should add it to my CV?smiley - erm
smiley - hug to all have a good day.

never say never

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

poor baggins.

hands Tabitca piece of wood. next time knock on wood, before you say anything like that!

smiley - hug

never say never

Post 3


smiley - laugh thanks pheloxi.smiley - hug as soon as i said it ,I thought I'm asking for trouble here...

never say never

Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

thinks trouble is Tabitca's middle name smiley - winkeye

never say never

Post 5


smiley - laugh these things don't seem to happen to other people .I mean why do mad neighbours always move next door to me? I give out looney waves that attracts them?

never say never

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

it is not your fault. blame it on some anonious cival servant of the Major's office. he or she will not feel a thing. the proof is that you get the smiley - weird.

never say never

Post 7


one day i shall live somewhere with no neighbourssmiley - laugh than i'll be bored.

never say never

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

it is all part of "yes, minister" syndrome from the 70s. there were no real jobs so they made more cival servants. now they need fill their quotas. the smiley - weird (your neighbours) and the smart (you) smiley - winkeye quota.

never say never

Post 9


smiley - laugh I smiley - love you Pheloxi and your way of looking at lifesmiley - smooch

never say never

Post 10

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - blush
life is what I make of it and not some grey suited person(s).

I have the feeling that you are simular. we have our darker days, but at the end we see the silver lining caused by the sun.

never say never

Post 11


you are my sun some days Pheloxi smiley - ok and one day i shall come visit ans give you a bigsmiley - hug

never say never

Post 12

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

it is honor to be your sun smiley - winkeye

never say never

Post 13


not a nice way to start the day Tabs smiley - yuk

never say never

Post 14


Then a friend rang this morning ..wanting to discuss her menopause symptoms and was i suffering from the same onessmiley - erm ....Even if I am i would rather ignore it and hope it goes away(which it will) and not dissect myself at great length.why me?smiley - laugh

never say never

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

That's the way to cope Tabitca, I am convinced I'll never suffer from any of them -because I say so smiley - rofl

never say never

Post 16


well my theory is Bel that i can't become a crazed menopausal woman as I'm already madsmiley - laugh

never say never

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm not one to suffer from PMS, so why should I suffer from menopause symptoms ? smiley - laugh

never say never

Post 18


I just put it down to having a bad day. another year it should be all over ..then I can partysmiley - magic free smiley - laugh

never say never

Post 19


I have come to the conclusion that if you make a fuss about will feel ill..whereas if you ignore it in the most part just go on as normal.

never say never

Post 20

LochNessie-Professor of Partially Non Existent Life Forms at the University of Mice,bit down in dumps....

Haley's always complaining about, I find being grumpy 365 days a year is better, that way you don't have to remember which weeks you have an excuse and which you don't....
Bags is prob sulking cos Vicki said she'd take him back with her to London and then didn' to final supervisor meeting in 30 mins...smiley - tongueout...supervisors alright it's just final grade breakdown and talking about what you will do next....smiley - huhsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

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