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Public bath groping
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Aug 15, 2018
Well, first off, W shows the assistant in the cosmetics/ bath smellys shop, the pic of me, naked in the bath; covered in their product
Then, next the assistant, noticing that I've been doing a lot of gym... noticed my quads, through the skinny-fit jeans I was wearing... and goes in for a feel... and a good feel... then gets another assistant in the store to feel....
Then, of course, she lets me feel her quads
Bought another £40 worth of bath bombs, whilst there, of course.
Off to hospital later, for cardiac MRI, on the dilated aorta
Public bath groping
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Aug 15, 2018
Public bath groping
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Aug 15, 2018
Public bath groping
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 15, 2018
~well. I 'don't do normal' afterall
cardiac MRI scan was canceled got a phonecall luckily before we went, to say the scanner had broken down
Well, it's only Papworth hospital, the only (I think) cardiology specialist hospital in the UK, who'd have thunk they'd have working MRI scanners
- luckily we heard in time to phone up the friend who was going to give us a lift (cunningly there is no public transport to this hospital from Cambridge, well, none of any use to actually get there and back, for an appointment at gone 5 PM, for a scan expected to take at least two hours)
looks like friend can give us the lift, in a couple weeks time, on Sat, 25th, which is the rescheduled scan, assuming the scanner works... - was hoping to not have to travel to Papworth, as the hospital is moving to the Cambridg e hospital site, but so far, every date they give for the move has to be moved back... and now the new date of Febuary coming, has already moved back to after next summer
- the last move before febuary expected new date, was unable to be met; when they realised they hadn't made the doors big enough at the newly built hospital, to fit the scanners in through the doors
In otter news, back at gym tomorrow, for more running and more leaping backwards and up, onto 'steps/platforms', and maybe more backwards running up the stairtreadmill escalator thingy... and more squats of course (got to keep those quads nicely palpable, and visable through my jeans, innit...)
The rescheduled scan date might make things a rush... we've got to go straight from the hospital scan, to another Lesbian disco/rave
In otter otter news; I bought more socks today. I've had to rethink the entire sock situation of late, given I spend most of my time now in trainers, I've started moving over to trainer socks... the ones with really low rise, so they barely come up above the edge of the trainers... just so much more comfy, and easier to wear with my running tights
anyhows, if I'm wearing the black leather boots/heels, I'm in tights anyhow, so don't need socks, natch, and I've still got my hiking socks, for weather when the hiking boots come out
In otter otter otter news, the chicken chili tonight, was even tastier than last night, as is so often the way Might do another thai yellow curry tomorrow night... or perhaps
for a change...
no need to cook lunch tomorrow, the personal trainer is taking us out for lunch... which will be the useual meat feast at the Turkish restaurant - I'm almost* envious of their pita bread... well, lettuce just say, its a different style to how I cook mine
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Public bath groping
- 1: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 15, 2018)
- 2: Baron Grim (Aug 15, 2018)
- 3: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Aug 15, 2018)
- 4: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Aug 15, 2018)
- 5: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 15, 2018)
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