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Bad genes and good jeans.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Mar 9, 2018
My Brother finally got to have the heart scan, as recommended by my cardiology consultant; and it was clear, so he's seemingly not inherited the extremely rare, congenital/genetic, mutant aortic heart valve
My jeans. have been getting increasingly far far too loose.. I've tried a few times recently to purchase some new ones, but, it seems increasingly difficult to do so
First, most shops here at least, seem to have racks and racks of ripped jeans and then when we find the actual jeans, they're sizing is weird
trying on men's jeans, skinny fit, and regular, I can but only assume, the average, even average skinny, UK bloke, now has an arse as large as an airport terminal and hips nearly as big
So I continued looking
And eventually found jeggings were the right fit, not so enormously massive in the buttock or hip department, and a good fit all the way down my legs; with the exception of my ankles, which, are, apparently abnormally thin
seems I've dropped a size or so on my lower half of my body too; the ones I got, which aren't tight in the slightest on the waist, are a UK size 14; I think it won't be long before I'm replacing them with a size 12.
This time last year, most of my clothes were a UK size 24 - not quite sure how much more I can shrink my clothes size for dresses, tops etc, as I'm quite wide/broad across the shoulders; but a couple of the recent dresses I got were a size 18, and not overly tight on the bust/shoulders; though very much too big over my abdomen
(nothing a belt won't fix
went to the gym today, and yesterday, finally, today felt like I've got 'back into it', after the forced couple day break, whilst the snow was here
Today I did 15 minutes on the cross trainer, intervals, including quite a bit hands free (which seems to work quite different leg muscles for some reason).
Then I did 250 abdominal crunches, before moving into the weight room, and doing about 45 minutes various things with the weights, mainly a lot of dead lifts, jerk/snatch, and squats, with shoulder shrugs, curls, etc., thrown in to break up the fatigue a bit... oh, and did a ton of dips too
breakfast was porridge, and lunch was homemade pita bread, with chicken, and onions, done in the oven, with pickled chilis and plain yogart... - trying a different yougart, this one is from soya... slightly sweeter tasting, and a lot lower calories not sure I prefer it or not...
made a curry for dinner, enough for tonight, and probably another two nights, chicken, onions, mushrooms, with passata, and various spices, plus garlic and chilis..
Currently tipping it down outside <wah. which is a pity, otherwise we'd be in the pub
out tomorrow night, to a LGBT thing, at a pub so hopefully its dry tomorrow night
not much else planned for tomorrow.... although, if the weather is good, we may stride out to an out of town supermarket, to pick up a few things we find hard to get locally, plkus, whilst there, some different cheeses, and probably a couple of packs of meat, as they're pork joints are rather good, as is there fresh chicken portions Seem to be successfully back down to my normal steroid dose again now, which is good... maybe it was just low testosterone making me feel like I had low steroid/glucocorticoid symptoms
or maybe I had some lurking infection in the background
Bad genes and good jeans.
ITIWBS Posted Mar 10, 2018
Probably still too cold where you are to shrink-fit the blue jeans, wear them in the tub or shower for a good, hot soak, then wear them wet till they dry so they shrink to fit your form as they dry.
Bad genes and good jeans.
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Mar 10, 2018
Bad genes and good jeans.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 11, 2018
OOO.. does that shrink the jeans in the bath thing actually work?! - I could do with shrinking the waist a tiny bit, and the ankle area a fair bit .... hmm - maybe just sit with my feet/legs, up to my mid-calf muscle, in hot water
well, was a good night last night had a bit of a sleep in until 9.30, then got up to take levothyroxine and wait the horrible half an hour for that to absorb, before
followed by the next half hour, to wait until I can eat breakfast and thereby take the steroids
then went to the gym... and did far more than I intended which was good....
home, via Turkey, to pick up another 2 KG bag of onions, some apples, herbal teas, cauliflower and potatos... then showered
just had a can of soup for a quick lunch, with some toast and collapsed into bed for an hour or so, but as useual, failed to sleep
Just had the third night of the curry I cooked a couple days back; we added butter beans to it yesterday, to bulk it up a bit, and today I added in another finly sliced onion, a couple of handfuls of mushrooms, and a somewhat overripe tomato from the bottom of the fridge, I fried them all up first, then added to the pot... had wild rice with it again
Oh, and added some garum mucala spice to the curry too, just to peck it up a bit
a banana and apple after dinner...
Think I may bath tonight, just to get some extra magnesium,
Nothing much planned tomorrow, cept cooking up the large gammon joint we bought Saturday, I'll cook it in the slow cooker, with apple juice and onions, then after removing the outer fat from it, finish it by baking in the oven... - the potatos and cauliflower we got today are to accompany some of the pork, tomorrow night
Bad genes and good jeans.
ITIWBS Posted Mar 11, 2018
Yes that shrink routine does work to form fit denim to the body, an effect I first noticed after a family romp at the beach.
Bad genes and good jeans.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 12, 2018
= by accident I assume?!
I doubt sadly it would work with my very old jeans.... they are seriously too big everywhere on me, by multiple inchs
- actually a pity I can't shrink any of my old leather jackets in a similar way... at least I have the new/old one, left here by the old lodger, which is small enough to fit me (and way too small to fit him..... really hoping to bump into him, out, when I'm wearing it.... that should really make his day, that me, can fit into it, and he can't shrink himself back to fit it
- no way it would have fitted me, even when I was a stone lighter, due to body shape... belly in particular
gammon successfully cooking away, after a almost major kitchen disaster, involving an almost dropped full slow cooker - had to mop up a lot of liquid and refil part of the liquid in the slow cooker before turning it on
Bad genes and good jeans.
ITIWBS Posted Mar 12, 2018
The shrink routine only works well with new blue jeans and does persist through successive washings.
Part of the trick is staying active while the jens dry.
Bad genes and good jeans.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 13, 2018
OO... thanks... I didn't know that - these jeans will probably end up being washed several times, before its warm enough here, to attempt it
- by which time I may very well be in the next size down anyhow
- also they were fairly inexpensive jeans; I can't buy expensive jeans anymore, as I'm shifting and changing shape so much.... - it was all upwards, now all downwards
As it turns out... my personal trainer seems to have another way to make them fit better... - todays session was all on my legs so at this rate, my legs may well expand to fit the jeans
warm up on cross trainer (the weird one/stepper thing), doing intervals, and hands free on it, for about 10 minutes, then on to the treadmill, doing fairly fast, then increasing the incline
then through to the weights room.... 60 squats in the rack, followed by exercise ball balancing/core... then back to the cardio room, more on the running machine... then back into the weight room, and another 50 squats, some core work in the climbing frame thingy, and on the ball
I was dripping on the floor... - the cleaner guy who's constantly cleaning in the gym, even had a go at me for 'sweating too much'
porridge with almonds and jam for breakfast... bulghur again for lunch, with onion and chicken sausages (we wer starving) an apple and a bannananaannannnaana
dinner was roast potatos, roast cauliflower, roast brocholi, and some of the gammon we cooked yesterday well, I say roast, strictly speaking its baked in an oven
shall try to do some abs before bed, and more work on the exercise ball
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Bad genes and good jeans.
- 1: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 9, 2018)
- 2: ITIWBS (Mar 10, 2018)
- 3: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 10, 2018)
- 4: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 11, 2018)
- 5: ITIWBS (Mar 11, 2018)
- 6: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 12, 2018)
- 7: ITIWBS (Mar 12, 2018)
- 8: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 13, 2018)
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