This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

One year on, plus; new 'ball chalange'

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - evilgrin
one year on today.... 365 Growth Hormone injections later as of this evening smiley - zensmiley - nursesmiley - doctor Its the one drug that's made the biggest difference, and actually, in the last few days, I've just noticed some more improvements, in various health and feelings, etc., that I assume are still down to the growth hormone working deep into the tissues and cells smiley - zensmiley - geek - not to mention with the gym, calorie restricted diet, etc., I've now lost nearly 4 stone (56 LB (yes, a sack of potatos worth)) err... quite a few KG.... 20 KG something...

Now. smiley - evilgrin --

"Ball chalange"

This is why I really like my personal trainer. He's almost as mad as me.

OK; you know those exercise balls, the big inflated ones, used a lot in yoga, pilatez etc.

one of those.

there is one at the gym, probably several. nethertheless I've just gone out this morning, and bought one - its orange, and sitting on the sofa, It needed a name, so I'm going to call it 'Willson' smiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - snork


the challenge, is to see if my personal trainer, or I will be able to achieve this first; we're both starting at the same time, (don't tell him I'm cheating by practising at home).


after a lot* of practise, a lot of improving our 'core', and getting our balance really good, what we're going to do is;

Stand on the ball, and do squat thrusts with the 20 KG bar (or a heavier weight) <zen<>

Seriously. smiley - erm

it may take some time, at the moment, we're both at the stage of balancing on it with our hands and knees... - I can get up to about 70 seconds with no contact of my body to the floor... smiley - erm

this may take some practise but... its so gonha be worth it, when I manage to do this, before* the personal trainer does smiley - laughsmiley - zen

in otter news, was at gym yesterday, did various core exercises on the inflated ball, plus an hour and a half weight lifting, and some other bits. In the evening was ten pin bowling smiley - zen

One year on, plus; new 'ball chalange'

Post 2

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Now that is what I call a challenge! Good luck to you. Will follow this with interest!

smiley - pirate

One year on, plus; new 'ball chalange'

Post 3

Baron Grim

smiley - erm I must say that sounds like a very bad idea.

There are tons of videos online (and on America's Funniest Home Videos) of people trying to stand on those balls and falling off them spectacularly.

A fall of just 3 feet can be deadly.

But I'm sure it can be done, with slow and careful practice. I once saw a juggler standing on a board... on a cylinder.... on a second, perpendicular cylinder.

One year on, plus; new 'ball chalange'

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Slowely slowely is the key... hence we're doing it in stages smiley - zen

so far I've practised it the once at the gym, with the personal trainer, - most I could manage was about 70 seconds, balancing on knees and both hands; then I bought the ball to try at home.

First time practising at home I got up to 4 minutes.

then, practising again last night, I got nearly 9 minutes smiley - zen

practising today, a few times, first this morning, in the horrible horrible half an hour space between taking levothyroxine - before I can have coffee;;; 7 minutes, 8 minutes, and a 9 minutes (plus a few shorter ones of course) smiley - zen

did several 7 - 9 minute one's on it, this evening, whilst cooking dinner smiley - zensmiley - chef

after practising on the ball this morning, had coffee... then waited the horrible half an hour before I can take the steorids and eat food smiley - zen - so practised with the ball some more.

Then went to gym smiley - zen

did the cross trainer/elyptical trainer for a while, then abdominal crunches at 28 KG and 35 KG, then lat pull down and seated rowing at 28 KG smiley - puff then went into the weights room, and did an hour and a half bench pressing, squats, deadlifts, curls, reverse grip curls, presses, shoulder shrugs, and played about in the 'climbing frame' doing kicks, dips, and leg lifts and raises etc <smiley - zen plus a ton of stretching and winding up my personal trainer (wasn't working with him today, but he was their, training himself) - I think he's given up all hope now of managing to do the squats whilst standing on the ball before I can smiley - evilgrinsmiley - handcuffs

oh, and already started doing some 'three poinhts' on the ball; balancing with both knees, but only one hand.... - at the current time just reducing that by one point, to just knees... is... a good way to fall off smiley - laughsmiley - zen - in otter news, some of my yoga positions like tree are now just so easy smiley - zen and my 'high kicks' in the 'climbing frame', are faster and higher smiley - zen - including doing a set of them, without touching the ground inbetween,, so just hanging supported on the dip'handles' smiley - zen

breakfast was porridge, with strawberry janm.
lunch was 100 Grams grilled chicken, four slices wholemeal bread, and mustard, with some pickles.
Dinner was grilled rosemary/herb crusted wild salmon, with basmati rice and long green beans, and plain yoguart, with a banannannnannna and apple for dessert smiley - zensmiley - magic

no gym tomorrow, going to brave the isles and go get some food in for over Christmas smiley - yikes

Weighed myself last night, lost 4 Lb since the 20th November smiley - zensmiley - cool - even though I know I must have put on equally as much in muscle mass over the same period smiley - zensmiley - puff

shower time in a moment then may* risk popping to a pub for an hour this evening, although we are out tomorrow night, at this drag act thing in a local pub - still not decided what to wear... has to be even more drag... or glam... or just over the top... than the drag act smiley - roflsmiley - evilgrin I'm sure my leather corset and knee high leather boots may feature in it, whatever the rest may be... - I'll see what the weather is like tomorrow night smiley - zensmiley - puff right... a few minutes before I shower, so its back to balancing on the ball smiley - zen

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