This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wahsmiley - headhurtssmiley - ermsmiley - weirdsmiley - zen

Well. that chemo session really didn't try quite as hard as it might have seemed.... really feeling like I'm over it now. smiley - huh yeh... yeh... I know... I'm bouncing all over the place, energy wise, concentration wise, teenage angst wise.... and... but at least the nausea, the new turn-up this time, seems to have been.... a short lived kinda thing....

TBH. I'm not even...100% sure its nausea.

I've never done vomit, sick, in my life really.... well, OK a few times maybe, quick short lived stomach bug type things, but, they've been, well... kinda instant; from an oh I feel a bit sick, to shouting at the man round the U-bend, in a pretty swift kinda move from one to the other.... smiley - erm this sort of... hmm. nah, ya see I don't really have the... knowledge of it, to know it is it... as it were smiley - huh

I dunno.... sort of odd feeling in generalised abdominal area... smiley - erm - like the somewhat ... perplexed sounds it evoked, when nurses, docs etc, were talking about constipation and stuff... and... nope. never done that either, so of course I've got to ask em what it 'feels' like, what teh ... well, what it is innit smiley - laugh seriously. smiley - snorksmiley - rofl

well... whatever the 'nausea' was ... dinny seem to hang on long... smiley - weird

now... just background general bleh... smiley - wah and... its so kinda nothing... it oughta just bluddy be nothing smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - zen
hmm.... its like.... the top 10% of concentration is just gone..... the top 10 to 20% of energy is gone.... the top 15 to 20% congnative ... processing is missing.... the top 10% of... 'get up an do stuff' is abscent... and... the sparkle... zing... is missing... and... bleh... concentration being shot is a real pain... - can't pass time, by reading, or even listeing to music properly for any length of time....

oddly. I'm fine concentrating on some stuff; give me a decent peer reviewed scientific paper, on immunology... genetics... bioinformatics (and yes, most often as not, ATM about cancer, chemo, lymphoma/leukemia, radiotherapy, etc., etc ) and... i'm over it like a rash... stats in it... the science... its... just second-nature, and seems to work.... and I can process, and concentrate, despite, well, it being well over a decade since any of my seriousness in the science/accademia type stuff smiley - alienfrownsmiley - weird

I think... actually... so much of this... the concentration, cognative, is more to do with the stroke/hemorridge I had, end of Jan.... - really must try chase that up, neurology just washed their hands of me, as soon as they'd done what they clearly wanted; gave me the lumber puncture thinggy... smiley - shrug - they're afraid of my brain.

smiley - erm
actually. I can't blame them. I'm afraid of my brain... its scarey sometimes smiley - laugh

How the heck can I process and understand real stats in science papers... and fail to do basic mental addition consistantly smiley - shrug it makes no sense... smiley - laugh


Still not convinced I'm not having some kind of midlife crisis.... only I'm way too young... but calling it teenage angst.... just doesn't seem right either smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - snork though.... I do like the idea of teenage angst.... its more about my ..... level TBH smiley - snork and I'm still trying to lie to nurses that my year of birth is 1996, afterall smiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - erm

had a gorgeous bath tonight smiley - drool basically... each day now... seems to jst be working until bath time smiley - laugh providing myself with sufficient, and appropiately timed food, before hand to allow drugs to be balanced out, and, trying hydrate myself, with constant kitchen steralisation, hand washing, to... just get to bathtime.

I had my rubber ducks with me in the bath tonight ... the bath still isn't big enough... not deep enough or long enough, for my liking... but nothing I can do about that <wah. for now... smiley - evilgrin

a gorgeous bath bomb.... all spicey... sandlewood...... rose absolute, I think, jasmine, and some other stuff.... really nice and oil/moisturising too, made my skin so soft, imediately on descending into the way way way too hot water smiley - laughsmiley - drool kinda.... passing out hot... esp with the glorious mind altering scents embibing into me smiley - zen
and, then the gorgeous bath melt I'm addicted too ... frankenscence, more sandlewood.... very... sort of.... Indian... spicey... sort of... dunno... just so gorgeous smiley - drool

Even the bloke in Lush who served me this time, when we handed him my..... overllowing basket, commented that it looked very relaxing a mix I'd picked... smiley - laughsmiley - drool

I just... bath in it... so... blissy... zen... smiley - zensmiley - zensmiley - zensmiley - magic

the oats... of course... in the melt too... so so supper soft skin smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - magic didin't want to get out of the bath smiley - wahsmiley - wah but had to eventually... I was getting parched asides anything else <laugh. drank a bottle of 750 ML juice soon as I was finished drying myself, and moisturising....

smiley - drool

wnt a bit.... smiley - weird on the moisturisation smiley - laugh found a bottle of coco moisturiser.... smiley - wowsmiley - chocsmiley - choc

so... whilst dancing to some zappa.... really.... at about 39000000 whats on the hifi... moistruised with that smiley - discosmiley - diva

then... the MP3 player moved on... and dished up some prince.... smiley - musicalnote now... that has* to be danced too... most.... smiley - snork camply smiley - snork so.... I got the coconut oil out too ........

I'm at serious fire risk at times like this... no one light a naked flame near me, or I'll go up! smiley - snorksmiley - snorksmiley - rofl

so smiley - discosmiley - diva to that... and... well... finally got dressed, and made it to the kitchen, to rehydrate smiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - applesmiley - zen with juice smiley - zen

and... now I'm boared.... seriously serioulsy boared... I'd read... only I've no concentration... I'd... dunno. do something... but I'm too... discordinated... and my fingers don't work right... and... I'm boared... and no concentration and... bleh. boared. wrestless... and ... smiley - weird bleh... dunno what to do.... - this is often a dangerous state of affairs for me to be in... but... luckily... i really doubt I've the energy to do anything wildly stupid right now ... tankfully smiley - laugh bleh. bleh. bleh. boared.
and.... smiley - wahsmiley - dohsmiley - erm must try find... something to do.... smiley - erm


Post 2

Baron Grim

Maybe you should purchase a life preserver. Wear it in the bath. Maybe you could get a good sleep that way. smiley - winekeysmiley - winkeye


Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

bleh. smiley - laughsmiley - snork OK... found something to do eventually... smiley - dohsmiley - dohsmiley - snorksmiley - rofl just... a little light reading... smiley - snork so not a good idea this late at night, with.... dodgy cognition in some respekts smiley - dohsmiley - laugh well... those scientific papers confirmed my thinking... smiley - wah not necessarily in a good way mind smiley - laughsmiley - scientistsmiley - geek but... knowledge is power... or something smiley - laugh Hmmm.... yeh. having the autoimmune nonsense, as I seemingly... maybe... do ; visa the Addison's , coexisting with lymphoma, Hodgkin's, isn't a great idea apparently smiley - laugh well.... I was kinda thinking that too... but... smiley - sadface looking at the numbers is less fun than.... well.... almost anything TBH smiley - laugh about 10% higher mortality in 5 and 10 year survival rates, basically. smiley - shrug but, not exactly many studies on it, TBH, seems the links more closely allied with non-hodgkins and autoimmunity, but.... a bit confusing on the details, of the study's I've seen.... smiley - erm and judging by what they don't include, I'm guessing some of the finer details of patient differnces, is... silly, in my case. -
I'm not like other patients smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin (yeh...... talk about..... extra meanings in that eh?!) smiley - laugh age in particular, and odd presentaion, and my not having multiple stuff, lymphoma wise, as such, and no large medestenial mass smiley - zen which is... kinda very positive... plus, stil not convinced by some of this Addison's diagnosis thing.... there's potentially so much interplay, what with both basically being lymphocyte drive, basically. smiley - zen and... stuff smiley - headhurts Sadly, non of these studies, seem to break down patient groups sufficiently, esp age wise, as they just concentrate on sex.... err... no not that way smiley - laugh hmmm....

hte phrase 'sexual disfunction', and seperate to fertility (like the latter doesn't bug me in the slightest), is.... a tad smiley - yikessmiley - erm and.... no prize for the first person to say I've been doing 'sexual disfunction' for years smiley - snorksmiley - rofl
Hmm. I was.... already there I think.... in having figured the former out... but, it was a notable non mentioned side affect by my consultant. err, any of the consultants I saw.... smiley - alienfrown

Hormonal things..... are non-normal in .... a more than normal non-normal way.... Mind, no bloods have shown that, to my knowledge... but... i really don't think I need them... to tell... me smiley - laughsmiley - blush

Mind. not all.... necessarily... negatively... for someon who's.... err. me. basically smiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - snork amnit... I can't even take this serious stuff.... seriously smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Oh.... well... smiley - shrugsmiley - snork


must try push the consultant on the autoimmunity front though; so-much for this multidesplinary approch rubbish, they don't seem to like that much, IMO.... and oncology wanna ignore my Addison's, possible hypothyroidism, penitious anemia, and BoB-knows what else; SLE potentially, rhyumatoid arthritus, and... well... basically anything from the shopping list of stuff I did my MSc dissertation on.

odd. random seeming connections and .... coincidences like that... phase me... I don't like coincidences.... makes me... nervous of connections being overlooked... ignored... or just plain missed....If you catch my drift; I've asked so many times about albeit pretty rare unlikely stuff, like secondary Adrenal lymphocytic infiltration, again. and again... and... no ones answered my questions.

really not helped by my not even seeing a consultant, Thursday; I'd taken the safety catch option; and W had a list of questions I had. which, of course, we didn't get to ask (to prevent me just forgetting due to brain fog) smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

smiley - sigh getting quite bored of it all really... smiley - yawn in a strange dissascioated kinda way... which ... probably isn't good, and is just because brain ain't working as it should.... which, of course, ties back to the Addison's, if indeed they're remotely right that the grand-mal, fit, seizure, hemorridge thinggy I had was indeed Addisonian crisis and not some otter weird thing, as they first thought, visa my sodium thinggy... err... or something smiley - laugh

stupid brain. smiley - grr still not right. .... and no prizes for anyone who suggests I've never had a right brain.... smiley - laugh (partially true; most of my right brain was wrecked by the lorry, in 93, actually... but appears it wasn't a bit I particularly used for much anyhow) smiley - roflsmiley - zen

Oh. well smiley - shrug Guess I'll save a fortune on life insurance anyhow smiley - laughsmiley - laugh or pension planning smiley - roflsmiley - senior err.... not that I was ever likely to do either anyhow smiley - roflsmiley - zen

and. having a sex change might be a laugh.... who knows smiley - whistle <biggrin. smiley - handcuffs

Still can't decide if I should wear a dress to my final chemo.... W still states he'll not take me if I try smiley - laughsmiley - rofl he seems dead against taking me along on the leash too.... so I'm guessing in the dress, with the leash is right out.... - mind, part o fme, is ultra cautious of doing such a thing... I mean... I really don't want to... upset any other patients who might be in the day unit on that day... - it could... afterall... be the kinda of thing, to even be the final.... straw in a healthy person.... seeing me wonder in... chainmailed up... collared... in a dress and on a leash... and... I've enough hastle trying to keep my headphone cable from tangling up in my port line as it is.... a leash... might be... smiley - snorksmiley - snorksmiley - rofl

ahh... screw it... It'll all... be marvelous... in the end.... whatever... that might turn out to be...

and. of course.

The end is just the beginning.

in oh so many ways.

Radiotherapy or no radiotherapy?: they're being koi about that again smiley - shrug : I'll not give the go-head until I've got more details from them anyhow, and I've still no date yet for meeting with radiology consultant smiley - zensmiley - geek and.... radiotherapy or no radiotherapy... there may be a period of .... me haing to get better post-treatment, full stop, whether its just the chemo or chemo plus RT... smiley - shrug

everything I've seen....... pushes the timescale further and further away from the 'end' than I want it to be.... we're talking years.

screw that. I'm thinking months is way too long... but I'm sure ... I can make it speed up somewhat. by sheer bluddy-mindedness and shouting, if nothing else smiley - laugh or... something smiley - roflsmiley - erm

its. just so boring. smiley - yawn wanna get my body back... and my brain... well, what of each I can reclaim... anyhow smiley - laugh

whatever is left.... Its so not gona be.... as boringly normal as I was before. that's before sure.

embrace the weird. smiley - zen and bring. it. on. smiley - evilgrin

think I'll have another cuppa tea. and maybe some more snus.... got more in the post a few days back (the snus, that is, not the tea) smiley - laugh damn there's some weird left to discover. do I get a prize when I uncover it all? smiley - biggrin


Post 4

Baron Grim

On the subject of your brain, I haven't read this article, just the headline, but you might find it of interest.

Chemo brain is real


Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

OOO... must read that! I don't think its one I've seen; I know at least one of my consultants.... gave me a very discouraging 'look' when I mentioned chemo-brain; he's a non-believer in it.... ; OK: so I know the medical term is mild cognative impairment, or something like that.... but, with the word 'mild' in the titel..... is so inaccurate!; nothing mild at all about 'this'! trust me!; of course, I've got a combination; as I've almost certianly not 100% recovered from the hemorridge/grand mal brain malase.... - heck, I've almost certianly never recorvered fully from the 93 and 94 head traumas smiley - laugh ; though I ddid recover enough to start A-levels the following year, then straight through Uni, and then through the masters... - clearly nothing of major importance got dammaged that* time; just the 90% we never use clearly smiley - laughsmiley - zensmiley - silly

and. having said which.

two points of notice; I just tryped this into the search box, not the actual reply to the message edit box! - chemo brain!

and.... It so isn't a good idea for me to click through to that article right.... now...; oops! its 2.30 AM... and... I'm all chemo-ed out for one day I think.... cheno-brain... chemo-joints... chemo-muscles... and chemo-tried, and chemo-fatigue, and chemo-figures not typing well, either natch smiley - laugh

I think.... I might have to go get theat final cuppa tea, then go beddies!; I'll try.... remember through the chemo brain, to look at that article in the morning, before William gets here smiley - zen thanks!


Post 6

Baron Grim

I've read it now. It wasn't a long article. Basically, they did a study of women with breast cancer going through chemo and determined that even when they think they're concentrating on a problem, their mind is in a disconnected state... wandering. It won't take you five minutes to read. The source articles might be more interesting with your background.


Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh! tjhat's so me! well.... asides the having 'breast cancer' bit... I hope! smiley - laughsmiley - zen not just wondering and thinking about cancer, either..... thinking about all the stuff one can't do... plans to do when 'better', wants to do instead of.... etc., etc., and.... the fact I'm constantly thinking of what bits of the kitchen and house in general are seteralised at any moment, and 'safe' for me and my neutropenic state! smiley - laugh here I am.... brain the size of a ..... smiley - laughsmiley - silly


Post 8

Cool Old Guy (ex-SockPuppet) Trying not to post for the next 200 days !

Cool old Guy smiley - cogs feeling pathetic by mentioning his flu
"Seems we are more or less on the same track.

AS I am trying to figure out the why and abouts of the Captcha smiley - monster, and on a side track a cure for my skin rash smiley - weird

You seem to study your own condition in the literature (as far as I comprehend) re-evaluating the symptoms and causes by first hand experience smiley - hero. "


Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

-- I picked the right cancer in so many ways!;' not least because its the 'good cancer', given survival rates, and all that; but it is blood born, leukemia/lymphoma etc, so is derived from lymphocytes; hence from teh immune system; my Masters degree was in immunology! smiley - laugh - true, I didn't know a great deal specifically about lymphoma until... well basically I got it smiley - laugh but... its not like I've had to learn a new language, or words, or suchlike just to read even teh more basic articles and suchlike, whcih is a great help; and looking at science papers, and analysing data is what I did for my masters basically; looking at a differnt disease, or set of numbers, and suchlike, is a preyy minner details;
only problem is; I've got the damn chemo-brain!; so my thinking logically is a little... OK sometimes a lot screwy! but even so; it seems better at dealing with hard sciency stuff, than; say; me looking at a block of cheese; a loaf of bread, and a block of butter; seriously; my mind is sometimes so mush now I can't figure out how to construct the three items into a sandwich; whilst, at teh same time, I can run through sciency stuff in my head, at Masters level no problem!; it dinny make much sense sometimes smiley - laugh

nothing makes much sense! smiley - laugh

Just out in town with William.

the nausea crept up on me.... but... I was internally shouting at it and keeping it at bay....
nearing home, and one more ... well two more shops to go into I had to sit down near WAitrose, and W went in to get the couple things we want for dinner, and I sat in the sun, loverly fresh air/breeze too, which cleared my head, which as much as anything helps clear my tummy smiley - zen and just sitting quietly, listening to some music from a nearby shop, I concentrated the nausea away smiley - zen (yeh, I have no idea how I can do that just by thinking it away) smiley - zen
Then we walked back in teh direction of my house... but... I was a bit smiley - wah weak smiley - grrsmiley - grr - you've no idea how much I curse.... at the very notion of such a bluddy thing as my feeling weak... its so* not me smiley - laugh if anger could... hmmm. yeh, maybe it is just my anger that scares the nausea away smiley - laugh

so came back to mine, adn I got a glass of water, which I was kinda needing I think, and now waiting for tea to brew, whilst W pops to teh final shop , near me, for a couple more things smiley - doh


on getting back... bearing in mind... I was feeling...... a 'little' unwell, like ten minutes before.

and. smiley - blush W cuddled me and..... err.... dressed I might add... smiley - laugh somhow doesn't seem right to be able to move so seemsly seemlessly from 'ill' to ... smiley - blush in ... like a minute smiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - handcuffs

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