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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Mar 25, 2015
low purples.... high purple-blues.... reds and golden yellows, cascading down, and up... with dotted lights through...
and dark dark reds, into oranges, at the sides... MMMM.... such a gorgeous scented bath
earlier, that is... supprisngly little hair in plug hole, or, indeed on the cloth, after I cleaned the bath, after. but, a loverly dark red, with orange nad yellow, cup of jasmine tea after.
still having flushes Well, nice to know what menapause feels like first-hand
hands... my poor hands... <wah. they're getitng a real beating, thanks to the neuropathy, cuts, little burns, and buckets of dry bits, thanks to contant washing too; probably been burning them in boiling water without noticing; they're not picking up temp correctly; had put the bath scolding hot; luckily noticed before I got in ; hands said... fine.... hot... warm... but not scary warm... luckly, legs picked up quickly it was way too hot
quite a bad cut, or split dried area, on right hand, forefinger.... can't fully bend it...
which is... frustrating... guess I'll not be playing guitar any time soon
and tingly... not right feeling fingers... which... makes things tricky for say the least.
didn't dare try cook tonight, given hands not working... so had salad, with bread, cheeses, pork pie, scotch egg, etc which was rahter yummy, and not as unhealthy as pizza option, which \ I think I could have managed to cook, using the big long proper oven gloves (normally for bread making)) I have
just hope no infections snuck into cuts etc on hands shall get
to check them, Thursday, and discuss neuropathy with Consultant, and if we've a solution for it... as there has to be a solution, I can't lose my sense of touch... that.... would be... no, just no way.
Its all Vinblastine's fault. damnit.
Mind, oddly; my nails and cuticles are in fabulus form.. which.. is... so weird given the rest of my hands look like I've just been doing some tidying up in the core of the chenoble reactor...
I... did wrong... last night. I knew it was wrong... i knew I shouldn't do it... I was told not to do it... so... i did it.. silly me. - due a punishment tomorrow
thankfully. maybe... one... day... I'll... learn... and... oh... hmm. no.. really.. maybe... one day... I'll do that learning from my mistake type thing
didn't get half done today I wanted too, energy so low earlier, and then... it was too late... and now... I probably oughta think about bed, at some point... though of course, I'm more awake now, than I've been all day
Must visit Lush again tomorrow... as a matter of urgency... more... bath melts... and bombs... and... stuff...
all kinds of ... everything...
Baron Grim Posted Mar 25, 2015
When I was doing renovations to my place last year, I replaced the bath/shower taps with a set that separates the temp control from the flow control. I first used such a system at some hotel or other on a trip and loved being able to turn off the water while I lathered up and turn it back on again without having to find the proper temp again.
If you ever get an opportunity to swap out your bath taps, I highly recommend it.
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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 25, 2015
they're actually kinda new taps; and, now for first time I'm taking baths; rather than just howering; I've realised one of their design features!;
they're perfect for opperating with my feet, whilst I@m in the bath!;mixer, so can do that too; but really, once I'm in; its just gona be the hot tap anyhow; boiling hot!; I always love hot showers, and, seems the same is true with baths!; and I've figured out the special 'leg wave' in teh water; which istrubites the hot water, up to the other end!
I'm not replacing anything in my bathroom; I need a bigger bathroom; so can have a bigger bath!; moving is now the only option! seirously! I have* to have a bigger bathroom and bath! I'm... I'm the bondage princess afterall!
so so so so so bouncy a morning.
just had a job interview. have frelance work! wow. just ... talking shop to the interviewer... and, OK, wildly chatting her up... (well, I've standards to maintain), just... wow... my brain, like switched on for first time in... months... this is so what I need right now, something real... concrete to occupy me; if I get my bad-ass in gear today; and stuff, I may even have enough of the work stuff on my laptop to sit and work during chemo infusion tomorrow!
how.... cool...
but, so much to get done today... shoping ... getting playlist on mp3 player... sorting out details of the freelance work, working out the charge/pricing for it, and ensuring that is OK with them
plus, showering at some point, and shopping in town, and William will be here soon. and... I'm due to a punishment
damnit... I forgot I was due to recieve a punishment today
all my fault... W is just the nearest person to deliver the punishment, on behalf... of sometone else
well.... its all my own fault... I ... shouldn't have disobeyed an order the other night
I try to be good
right.... must... go get a shopping list together, get this name of the drug written down to ask consultant about tomorrow, for neuropathy, check out the work stuff, and... need more ...
all kinds of ... everything...
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Mar 25, 2015
Re post 2:
Amen to that, baron! Bath taps with built-in thermostats. Wouldn't want to live without them. Can't for the life of me understand why people don't invest in them. They save a lot of time, trouble and money and are highly convenient
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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 25, 2015
Must admit never heard of them; shall definately invistigate; when Sir has bought me my royal palace, fit for a princess! - or, for me, in my new superhero persona; either chemogirl or chemoboy; err.... yeh, it varys these bels on the chainmail now on my ankle... are so* cool...
all kinds of ... everything...
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Mar 26, 2015
Best invention since buttered toast if you ask me: You turn on the tab - there is only one - and hey presto: The water coming out is exactly the same temperature you chose it to be the last time you had a bath
all kinds of ... everything...
Baron Grim Posted Mar 26, 2015
Over here in the States they're considered "ADA compliant". The ADA is the Americans with Disabilities Act. Not every ADA compliant faucet has separate temp control, but every faucet with independent temp control is probably ADA compliant.
The ADA specifies things such as one handed operation, no more than 5 lbs. force required to operate, no tight grip needed.
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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 26, 2015
you gotta reember; say like in my kitchen..... floor is origional.... late 60s... and uncleanable really
kitchen units, look like early 80s, to me; and I'm guessing the taps date to the same period; so need to replace that kitchen; bits just.... don't really clean up proper anyore
-- I had the bathroom done..... oo, quite a few years ago now; and the taps have been replaced since (cheap rubbish the installers put in, first time
) - so, these fancy new taps of which you speak; do they have, like electronics in them, to make them do this fancy temp regulation trick? - idea of them sounds good though; mind; can't I just set the boiler to a lower temp so its perfect temp for bath/shower etc? 65 centrigrade oughta be good I recon.... think they're running over 7 0 ATM: considering getting my plummer bloke out; he's s-scared of me, so just does my bidding (since I gave 'him the look', after he submitted his bill; and then said, to him 'no', I'll pay you...... and mentioned a figure about half what he thought he'd charge
) anyhow, if I got in touch with him, I htink he'd rush here, to protect his ... life, and do my bidding
and reset the temp on my boiler.... it is probably.... a wee bit high
all kinds of ... everything...
Deb Posted Mar 26, 2015
In the meantime maybe just check the bath water with your elbow before jumping in? Better a burnt elbow than burnt feet, I would say.
on the job front
all kinds of ... everything...
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Mar 26, 2015
Re post 8:
There is nothing electronic in my tab, I'm guessing a piece of bimetal (which actually should be right up your alley, no? ) does the trick.
Lowering the temp in the boiler might not be such a good idea. There is calcium in the water and the dreaded legionaire's disease to consider.
A thermostat regulated tab like I have in my shower costs around £50 around here
all kinds of ... everything...
Baron Grim Posted Mar 26, 2015
No electronics necessary.
Mine is rather simple. The controls for the tap consist of two levered dials rotating around the stem sticking out from the wall. The first one out from the wall is larger/longer and controls the flow rate. (In use this just means I either turn it off or turn it all the way on.) Out from that is a smaller/shorter dial lever that controls the mix from the hot/cold water pipes. This one doesn't need to be adjusted once you've found a good temp mix. Once it's set it stays where it is unless you want to change the temp, say if the weather changes.
all kinds of ... everything...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 27, 2015
something I may look into then, either when next replacing this bathroom; or putting a new on into the palace a princess like me, surely both deserves and needs
hightlights of today; infusion four; end of cycle 2, of planned origonal 6; 1/3 way through chemotherapty;
My doctor /consultant called me a drama queen!
I mauy have hypothyroidism bring it on baby... more the merrier
I do have b12 def, ir i don't have b12 deficiencey
oncoogist scripted me folicacid/folate for endoc who didn't
had to wait like forever; most of the 12 hour plus day was waiting; main wait was wait for chemo drugs to arrive; and for a space in chemo room/ward to come free; they were busy today; its where all the cool gals hang oout baby.
chemo itself was quick; and I took it like.. I take it... roughly and ... with no ill affects
; felt fine; to extent we couldn't be botheref for waiting for cab home; walked all teh way home...
perlipheral Neuropathy; Vinblastine is the cause of this (the ? j(the V in ABVD chemo); I'm now on ABD chkemo; have removed the vinblastine; hopefully neuropathy won't get worse; adn will reverse
consultant; after flirting wildly with me (she did I sear; william agrees), and afte rshe'd called me a drama queen; kinda put into words, what I'd picked up; they're not expecting me, to need all 6 cycles; because I'm indistructible, lavishly kinky, and, downright hard as... they come and so damn cool baby... <snorK.
; PET scan wil confirm this; but maybe only a few more infusions/cycles; then straight on to the radiation maan... yeh. that's teh way... bring it on... - she just kinda laughed hysterically or manically... or in... utter bewilderment and dispear; when I just suggested why can't I have the rad and chemo at same time.... ; I think her laughter was in despaire.... as she realised I was actually kinda serious
I mean... I'm 2legs... maan... like I'd not be able to handle it? yeh... right
bloods doctor err, sorry, nurse I mean, screwd up stick the massive needle in me chest first time : he missed
missed my port
second one made it home though...
actually he seemed kinda confused about what bloods they wanted, so taht took an age
too , right at start of day,
chemo... is... basically so* boring... so much waiting... and no bar in the hospital disgraceful I'm gona take beer with me next time, or some ingredients and decent glasses and make cocktails . seriously. no. really...
walk homem was nice; fresh air! - 12 hours plus in the hosptal... urgh! so horrible stale air - sir woudln't let me visit any of the pubs we passed on way home
but I was allowed a can of guinness after I cooked us dinner ; damnit, its ment to be my job, and I'm feeling so... me ATM: maybe my..... sort of collapse mentally yesterday and cry, did me good
getting kinda confused by all this endoc stuff, the peniscious anemia, the B12 or not B12, the hypothyroidism.... they're either all affactations of the lymphoma, or chemo... or. I've had them years, unnoticed; or, there is somethign else.... ; must chek with consultant they did proper tests for leukimia, and bone marrow stuff; I'm not convinced they did.
also, get sneaking suspesciou they've been doing my chemo drugs rong; they've been putting them into my port, as if it was an IV line, just fresh punctured into my chest; now they've got with the same page I'm on; th;ey're doing em proper; bolus of the A and j B, just a drip on teh Dacarb.... D... so much quicker; so less /fewer infusions of the saline drips.... ; she stuck the D on faster today; I could feel nausea; which I stopped, and strange affect on ... 'body', which was... jsut kinda weird, but passed... - my body obeys my comand once more.go me... unstoppable... unfathonable... unfashionable probably, and indistructible.... and... the wird.... weird... gets weirder... I predict a foursome... me... sir... consultant... and Hildaguard from vascular inserts, by the end of my time in the hospital; I can't.... just.... leave without.... instilling some weirness... afterall...
chemogirl/chemoboy/chemoslut - my new superhero persona, has a job to do!
Hmmm. s..... William's gone to bed... he seems to require sleep; I'm dong fine on 2 to 4 horus per night ATM: if I had another guiness.... no one would know... then I can get pricing done tomorrow for the job/freelance work
oo. if I've been opperating on low thyroxin/triiodorodine....... just think... the new version of me... could be... even 'more'.... hyper as a matter of course... I told William this, and he sounded liek he was about to faint at the prospect.
all kinds of ... everything...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Mar 27, 2015
ha. who am I kidding. of course 'they' would know. as I asked first, if I could.
the asnwer was negative. and. so wanna be obedient. bed it is. with goregous words to echo in my head, as I try sleep... MMMM. I'm so lucky. MMM. to sleep per chance to .... hear those words.... MMMM #goodboy #p #prescious...
err. yeh. OK. I'm wird. err. weird. cover me in spoons and tell me I'm an otter.
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all kinds of ... everything...
- 1: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 25, 2015)
- 2: Baron Grim (Mar 25, 2015)
- 3: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 25, 2015)
- 4: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 25, 2015)
- 5: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 25, 2015)
- 6: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 26, 2015)
- 7: Baron Grim (Mar 26, 2015)
- 8: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 26, 2015)
- 9: Deb (Mar 26, 2015)
- 10: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Mar 26, 2015)
- 11: Baron Grim (Mar 26, 2015)
- 12: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 27, 2015)
- 13: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Mar 27, 2015)
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