A Conversation for The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Alternative Writing Workshop: A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 1


Entry: The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version] - A19104905
Author: Pinniped - U183682

The post-Charlotte Slants have now pronounced on this, and the opinion is unchanged, though a little better explained. It can't go into the EG, because of unsubstantiated assertions about living persons.

That would be libel then, I guess.

Shame, 'cos through these eyes and in this part of the world, every word is true.

The version now in PR will go into limbo once the Scouts have had a couple of days to ponder the pronouncement. It had some conciliatory alterations that spoiled it a little, and so this AWW version reverts to the original intent.

I hope it makes you think

Pinsmiley - smiley

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 2

Wilma Neanderthal

It always did, Pin. A truly fine piece of writing - not that I am worthy of judging - that opened my eyes to possibilities and nuances that were not previously there. Thank you.

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 3

Trin Tragula

Same here. It's a great piece of writing which does justice to its subject - what else is there to say? In whatever guise, this must be the most thoroughly reviewed piece of writing on hootoo by now - it's a pleasure to read it again without 'suitability' being any sort of consideration.

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 4


I hadn't read this before, but I agree that it's an excellent account. I think that the method of alternating the accounts of the battle itself and the economic and social background succeeds in giving the reader the facts without losing the exciting narrative.

I do remember watching the TV footage of the event. I suppose I didn't feel that it affected me much, because I'm not part of that community. But I thought that Mrs Thatcher was wrong in lots of ways.

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 5

LL Waz

One of the bits that most made me think - that has shock value, is the mercenaries reference. It's at once both very unfair and a very fair point to make. And is very telling and would not have made an EG version.

smiley - erm PollyannaWaz

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 6


Pin, this is a fantastic account.

I need to read it again.

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Riveting account, and enlightening. Well-researched and well-written.

One small comment, and I'm sorry it's not more helpful: I think the second paragraph from the end needs a slight change in tone, but I'm not sure exactly what. I know what you're driving at, and it could be punchier with just a tad more distance, maybe?

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 8


Thanks allsmiley - smiley

I know what you mean about the authority of distance, dmg, but the indignance is heartfelt.

Objectivity was hard work this time, and so there are a few places where it slips, but hopefully not too much.

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 9

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Oh, I know what you mean, and sincerely second the indignation.smiley - ok

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 10


The version that entered and left Peer Review is here: A48711594


A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 11

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I have no idea if this version or the other one breaks any UK laws.

If it doesn't, and considering we don't cause Questions to Be Asked in Parliament anymore, what would you like to do with it?

A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 12


I'd say that if Pinniped hadn't clicked the 'Not for Review' button on the Peer Review version, I'd definitely welcome the Peer Review version back into FM, then Peer Review and then hopefully the Edited Guide.

I believe that UK Freedom of Speech laws prohibits communication that is: threatening, abusive or insulting, intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress or cause a breach of the peace, incitement to racial or religious hatred or terrorism, obscenity, indecency, defamation, libel, prejudicing or interfering with court proceedings, trade secrets, classified material, copyright, patents, military conduct and laws regarding advertising.

I personally don't see any reason why this would be prohibited under any of those, but I'm definitely not an expert. Still, it looks like Pinniped smiley - elvised about a year ago and 'Not for Review' has been ticked, so we have to respect that.


A19104905 - The Battle of Orgreave - 18 June 1984 [Original Version]

Post 13

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Absolutely, we should respect that. smiley - smiley And I agree: the entry looked fine to me, that's why I asked. Because I would have been in favour of including it, too.

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