This is the Message Centre for SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)
local entertainment
wingpig Started conversation Aug 16, 1999
Are you still there? Good. You may be interested to know that my band is having a final keyboard-player-leaving-to-get-a-job-farewell gig at the Minto hotel on Minto St. at 8pm-ish next sunday, the 22nd of august. Possibly, anyway. Our singer has decided that she wants to stay in Australia for the rest of her life, which leaves us a week to train a new one that none of us have met yet. Another band will be playing, though they came below us in a competition back in february. They're still allright, though. Interested?
local entertainment
SPINY (aka Ship's Cook) Posted Aug 19, 1999
Hey man, still here but due to Festival business and the infernal hot-desking in this office, haven't been able to get near a computer. Aye, sounds good, will try to get along to the Minto. Didn't know they did gigs in there. My memories of it go waaay back to when it was the only place near Pollock Halls you could get a drink on a Sunday (I'm talking about the bad old days of 10 o'clock closing). It was shabby and attempting to be genteel in those days and would never have had balls out rock'n'roll. Anyway, if you're not up to much tonight or next Thursday, the faded glory that is the Chilli Dogs are playing at the Ship on the Shore in Leith - maybe see you there?
local entertainment
wingpig Posted Aug 19, 1999
It'll be next week, then. I'll try and drag some people along. Tonight we will be busy practising to compensate for the fact that our singer will be remaining on the other side of the world for the forseeable future. The Minto doesn't usually do gigs, though the blokey that runs things remembered our keyboard player from the time he booked it for the huggabugga ball and allowed us to use it seeing as all pubs are either booked solid, uninterested in any live entertainment or disinclined to listen to scruffy-looking people that forgot to take a demo when visiting local venues.What time on Thursdays?
local entertainment
SPINY (aka Ship's Cook) Posted Aug 20, 1999
We're on 8.30 to 11 normally. Be great to have a crowd there - it's been a bit dead of late. I think nobody comes down Leith because there's no Festival venues anywhere near, or maybe it's the weather. You know how it is after a few gigs - you've run out of relatives and bribes. Will try to get along to the Minto on Sunday.
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