This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Post 1


It was twenty-five years ago today, the 18th of May.

Twenty-five years ago in the early hours of the morning; which I guess right now makes it pretty much to the very hour.

"There was a young man"

Cheers, Ian... smiley - rose

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Topped himself soon after watching Stroszek on BBC2 one Sunday night, which I was watching at the same time. When I heard the news the nest day it felt kinda weird to think that as I was turning off the TV and going to bed in readiness for another Monday morning, he was getting ready to end his own life.

Man, I *really* wish I'd got to see them that one time.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - rose

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Post 4

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - rose

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Post 5


Walk in silence... smiley - rose

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Post 6

Secretly Not Here Any More

Can't actually put my feelings on this subject into words. But he was a master of his craft, and his words live on without him.

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