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Finally Qualified

Post 21


There are people like you who are in the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) who work in public sector organisations too. CIPFA doesn't have a stranglehold on local government.

Don't you have the "M" wrong though? Lurch has always claimed to be a member of the Chartered Institute of Mad Accountants. smiley - tongueout

Finally Qualified

Post 22


Congrats smiley - bubbly

(Now I know why you're such a nice chap smiley - winkeye )

Finally Qualified

Post 23


smiley - bubbly GD

Being a member of the CIMA isn't half as boring as being a member of the RTPI smiley - yawn Yours is cheaper too smiley - huhsmiley - cross

Finally Qualified

Post 24


Lurch was wondering whether you now aspire to FCMA status? smiley - tongueout

Finally Qualified

Post 25


If it requires additional effort on my part, or me to pay more money. Then the answer is no!

Finally Qualified

Post 26


smiley - laugh Probably does. He muttered summat about managerial experience.

Finally Qualified

Post 27

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - bubblyGD Well done! Our accountants at work are CIMA too

Finally Qualified

Post 28

McKay The Disorganised

smiley - musicalnote Oh its fun to charter an accountant, and sail the gay accountant sea smiley - musicalnote

And they say accountants are boring. smiley - yawn

smiley - cider

Finally Qualified

Post 29


Is that from the middle bit in the 'Meaning of life'..

Finally Qualified

Post 30

McKay The Disorganised

HO Yuss

smiley - cider

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