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All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 1


At the weekend I was walking past this shop in town that sells retro football tops(*), and what was in the window?

Yes, that's right: a Dukla Prague away kit smiley - biggrin

(*)In fact actually that's all it sells. So that's another example of the rich and diverse tapestry that makes up this fine city, and a further reason as to why Brighton is way cooler than where you live smiley - tongueout

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

How random is that?

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

OMG the first mention of Chr*stm*s in my earshot this year!smiley - yikes

smiley - snowball

smiley - run

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 4

Demon Drawer

Look just cause the shops started mentioning Christmas before my Birthday there is no need for you to break my Halloween embargo on that word.

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 5


I'm guessing that only Psycorp so far has clocked that this is a Half Man Half Biscuit reference, and not one that has anything to do with the December holiday season... smiley - erm

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 6

I'm not really here

You've gone sailing over my head I'm afraid!

I can comment on Brighton - I 'wild camped' there a couple of weeks ago. Not keen on the beach, too stony, didn't see many shops, but the texaco and the Wimpey opposite covered all our needs for the night. smiley - biggrin

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 7


I got the HMHB reference as well. I once saw a Dukla Prague Away Kit in toffs in newcastle- another retro football shop

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 8

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I also got the HMHB reference... there are only two football strips I'd ever buy: the Iron Maiden one, and a Dukla Prague away kit.

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 9


So you wouldn't be tempted by Deportivo Wanka's? Which is just a green shirt with WANKA written across the front in big white block capitals. It's among the most popular of Toffs' range

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 10

McKay The Disorganised

In Coventry there's a firm makes 'club abd country' kits, half your club, half your country, divided vertically, down the front.

They're popular but the most popular sporting top in Coventry has been taken off the market.

The Coventry University Netball Team.

smiley - cider

All I want for Christmas - the shopping experience

Post 11

Demon Drawer

Sorry I was more a Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry man myself. smiley - winkeye

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