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The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 1


It now looks like it's curtains for the old girl. The damage wrought by storms, decay and arson are just to much; and that now there is nothing left worth saving smiley - sadface

The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - sadface

The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 3


Somewhere I have photos of the pier from my one and only trip to Brighton about 14 years ago. I remember thinking that it had quite a 'spookily' austere beauty to it. A ghost pier. Sad to think of it totally gone.


The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 4

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

sometimes you just have to let go.

this pier (and the newer one) were on tv here recently in a documentary about a schoolboy's one-week stay with an english family (a traditional rite of passage for french teenagers). i thought of GD while watching.

The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 5


That's rotten news, Deskers.smiley - sadface

The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 6



The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 7


On a brighter note, there have been some wonderful ideas for Brighton's regeneration.

For example this one as a replacement for the West Pier. Which now of course has a better chance of happening -

Then of course there is the set of socking great big tower blocks by Frank Gehry that could get built on the site of an old dire sports centre on Hove seafront -

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

The End of the End of the Pier Show

Post 8


Don't like the Gehry thing any more than any of his other stuff, but the pier is cool. I've always thought we needed some new 21st century piers.

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