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And which player do you use?

Post 1


Was the question asked on Oink.

91,278 members answered.

Only 288 of them said Real Player.

That's a pretty pathetic number for a company that likes to see itself as being on the cutting edge of multimedia delivery systems. smiley - laugh

And which player do you use?

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

I used to use WinAmp, then it got up itself. Now I use iTunes but that's getting up itself. Cold day in hell before I turn to RealPlayer though...

And which player do you use?

Post 3

Mu Beta

I do use Real Alternative for certain - erm - specialist files.

VLC with bouts of WMP.


And which player do you use?

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Mainly use windows media player, for conveniance, real alternative for those files that WMp won't play, and goldwave when I remember (the soudn quality in goldwav for some reason seems a lot better than any other player I've used) smiley - erm quicktime ocasionally for files that other stuff won't play,Actually I must find something to replace WMP with as the new interface sucks more than a really sucky thing;; I keep hitting the stop and play etc., buttons and then find out its put up some window I don't want there which means the control play buttons won't work smiley - dohsmiley - grrsmiley - erm

And which player do you use?

Post 5

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

For me Xbox Media Centre through my TV and Stereo does the job far better than any "on pc" program.

Sure it is not strictly legal but then who cares eh? smiley - winkeye

And which player do you use?

Post 6

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I generally use Media Player for music and DivX for videos.

And which player do you use?

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

I installed Real Player because the BBC didn't acceot any other player to listen to BBC radio online.
Usually, it's Meddia Player, but I have VLC, too.
Worst is Quicktime, imo.

And which player do you use?

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I've been using VLC almost exclusively for a couple of years but I keep Quicktime, WMP and DivX on the PC cos there's (very rarely) a file that VLC stalls on.

Just found out about this one Anybody got experience of it? Recommend a front end?

And which player do you use?

Post 9

Mu Beta

I seem to remember installing that one. It's not a pleasant user interface, but it did the job.

I loathe Quicktime even more than Real Player, though. I have banished it from my system and exclusively use Quicktime Alternative for Media Player Classic.


And which player do you use?

Post 10

Baron Grim

Personally, I'm stuck with WinAmp... it hasn't pissed me off yet.

RealPlayer will NEVER be installed on any system I use ever again... NEVER.

A few years ago RealWhatever "upgraded" themselves and a coworker installed this upgrade on our work computer (it can be a tedious job so having something to keep you awake at night is helpful). This upgrade proved impossible to remove and worse, kept popping up a "reminder" screen about checking for more updates. This screen gave you the option of scheduling itself to annoy you either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis... but absolutely no option for disabling it! Then I quickly found out that it was also spyware... one of the most notorious spyware programs ever.

Yea, smiley - bleep RealPlayer.

And which player do you use?

Post 11

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I've been wondering what to do with myself today - uninstall smiley - bleepPlayer, and install RealAlternative and MPlayer seems to have added itself to the agenda.

And which player do you use?

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Done and done smiley - biggrin

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