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GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 1


Just to bring everyone up to speed on the state of my oral health.

The toothache which was first discussed here - F63554?thread=281411 , and given a reprise more recently here - F63554?thread=420226 has finally come to a head.

The pain reached a point last Monday where the trade off of ignoring it versus doing something about it no longer made sense. Therefore I spent much of the beginning of the week trying to sort out some emergency treatment.

Today, Friday, I managed to get an appointment with the Community Dental Service down near the City centre. I got myself down there at lunchtime for a meeting with a very nice dentist and cute a dental nurse, both of who had my care and wellbeing close to their hearts.

They played with an x-ray machine, and tapped and prodded around for a bit, and diagnosed what the problem was - a well f**ked tooth apparently, but hey, I could have told them that for nothing!

Then they got the drills out, and it was from here-on-in that my problems began...

- I wouldn't say that I had to be held down, but they did both need to lean in pretty heavily as they worked.

- I only screamed on three of the five times that the drill went in; the other two I merely groaned.

- I don't think my fingernails damaged the handrests as I dug them in. I guess dentist's chairs are designed to cope with such things and are made out of sterner stuff than your usual medical furniture.

- I did cry, but not too much. I'm quite proud of myself over that actually.

- I didn't hit anyone, and I stayed in the room until the treatment was completed. I'm also rather proud about that as well.

The upshot of all this?

Well I now have a temporary filling in that troublesome tooth. I also have a referral to a specialist clinic in town where further treatment will be done under sedation. And all I need now is a bank loan to pay for all the furure work because it isn't available on the NHS.

GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

"I did cry, but not too much"

*Gosho and Mrs Gosho in unison*
Ahhh, bless smiley - bigeyes

GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 3


smiley - hug

You can be proud of yourself! Have some smiley - bubbly on me smiley - ok

Let's just hope they filled the right tooth smiley - winkeye

GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 4


Drilling with no anesthetic? smiley - erm


GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 5


No there was plenty of anaesthetic being splashed around. As I have no worries what so ever over needles, I didn't think it necessary to mention them injecting me with stuff.

GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 6


It's the sound of the drill that always gets to me. I've never actually experienced any pain whilst drilling was going on but my whole body seizes up in terror over that high-pitched squealing drill sound.


GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 7

Mu Beta

I can recommend scotch as a good anaesthetic. smiley - ok


GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 8


single malt


GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 9

E G Mel

Well done GD, glad you finally did it smiley - ok

Hope the next bit goes ok too. Have they explained exactly what they've got to do and why it wasn't available on the NHS?

Mel smiley - hsif

GD's teeth (part 3)

Post 10

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Probably because it costs more than 2 and 6.

smiley - ale

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