This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

Another tracker down

Post 1


Apparently the Swedish police this morning raided the offices of and have seized its servers. That's a bit of a blow smiley - blue

Another tracker down

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Are we talking BitTorrent?

Another tracker down

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - bluelight

Another tracker down

Post 4


We are indeed talking BitTorrent.

They had a somewhat cavalier attitude to what they hosted, based upon the fact that under Swedish law hosting a torrent file was not deemed to be piracy. Well at least not until today that is.

One of the fun things they had was a page of communications beteen themselves and various law firms around the world who had complained about them. It was remarkable that all these lawyers would go on complaining that the site was providing pirated content etc etc, when of course a tracker is no such thing, it's an itsy-bitsy little file that describes another file, nothing more. The lawyers would also banh on about how they were going to prosecute the site under US law etc etc. They were awfully rude in return - giving patronising lessons in geography and what a tracker actually meant etc.

It was all rather good fun in a schoolboy humour sort of a way smiley - smiley

Another tracker down

Post 5

Mu Beta

That is a shame. Looks like I'm stuck with Mininova and eDonkey now.


Another tracker down

Post 6

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Usenet guys all the way.

Another tracker down

Post 7


Yes, but if you want long retention, full selection of groups, good speed and a large download limit, then that is going to start costing you serious money.

I've had accounts with Athenanews (fast, but limited download limit) and 100proofnews (unlimited download, but slow slow slow) with mixed success. Plus with Usenet you've got the problem of searching all the thousands of bloody groups looking for what you are after.

Another tracker down

Post 8

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well I have an acocunt with NewsDemon which allthough is a tenner a month gives massive retention, great speeds and unlimited downloads.

And if you use .nzb files and a decent newsreader such as "Newsbin Pro" or "Newsleecher" then you can go to "Newzbin" and no header searching at all.

I will never go back to torrents haveing used newsgroups for 6 months.

Another tracker down

Post 9


Being old-school with the newsgroups - I read and post text on them smiley - bigeyes, and don't use them just for binaries - I've always used X-news as my reader.

I know of Newsbin Pro (and that it's yet more expense) but I know nothing of nzb files. Maybe I should investigate further.

Another tracker down

Post 10

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I respectfully say the smiley - erm if you are lamenting the demise of the pirate bay then the "extra cost" of newsbin pro is surely not that much of an issue smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin

Another tracker down

Post 11

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Isnt Pirate Bay back up and running now anyhow?

Another tracker down

Post 12


Yes it is smiley - smiley

It spent a couple of days with just a single page message reporting the raid and then claiming (correctly as it seems) that they would be back in a day or two.

In the meantime some naughty boys have been having a pop at the Swedish filth - tut-tut-tut smiley - tongueout

Another tracker down

Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ah, the DoS attack. The cyber version of stealing someone's ball, going smiley - nahnah and then running away.

Script kiddies smiley - headhurts

Another tracker down

Post 14

Lost Soldier Three-----Merry Christmas! (watch my friends list grow)

Giganews is the way to go.

Another tracker down

Post 15


I've tried them, and I found them too expensive for my tastes.

Going back to the Piratebay, they've added a little bit to their front page logo. Their pirate ship is lobbing a few canonballs and has sunk a Hollywood sign

Another tracker down

Post 16

Mu Beta

You'll notice that its page title is also The Police Bay.


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