This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

Talk about the weather!

Post 1


I didn't know that the Beeb had a messageboard dedicated to the weather -

Umm.... Umm, yes... smiley - online2long

Talk about the weather!

Post 2


smiley - snowball

smiley - run

Talk about the weather!

Post 3


Ouch! smiley - cross

Talk about the weather!

Post 4


smiley - sorry

smiley - grovel

Talk about the weather!

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Anathema sit... I don't get it.

I knew a copper in Manchester who called his dog Bugger so that he could say things like 'Come 'ere yer daft bugger' and get away with it smiley - laugh

Talk about the weather!

Post 6

I'm not really here

Tch. There's a page that lists all the (non-children's) boards. You've never looked at it??

All that hard work (not mine I hasten to add) wasted. smiley - wah

Talk about the weather!

Post 7


Yes, I have looked at that page on occasions. Mainly back when the migration was happening, so I could see which of the new boards was going live.

It just surprised me that there was a board dedicated to the weather. And I've since found out that the whole board was apparently put on pre-mod over Christmas due to fights breaking out!

Fights about the weather!? My mind boggles... smiley - online2long

Talk about the weather!

Post 8

I'm not really here

People will fight over smiley - tea if they've got nothing constructive to do.

Talk about the weather!

Post 9


BH, "Anathema sit" means you (he/she/it) are anathema to the Holy Roaming Church, because you're just so evil and heretical... smiley - tongueout

I rather like "Out damnéd Spot" too. (You recognize that one of course)

Talk about the weather!

Post 10


i've seen people fighting over their interpretations of the signs and portents on other weather forums. Perhaps it's like Gibson and Fender players, PC and Mac users, or Charlton and Millwall supporters.

Talk about the weather!

Post 11

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Gibsons all the way!

Talk about the weather!

Post 12


mmmm, definitely smiley - drool

Talk about the weather!

Post 13

Baron Grim

Beta Rules!... oh... nevermind.

Talk about the weather!

Post 14

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


Just to stick a spanner in the works I'm a Jackson man myself (Although I'd step over my own grandmother to get proper Gibson Explorer).

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