A Conversation for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 21st Jan 2001

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 1

Newcomers 2h2g2

HiYa - If you could put here the heading numbers you will check and meet & Greet, It will help others to see which headings have been checked. This dos not mean you cannot go to an already selected heading if you wish.

The idea of this list is to ensure Newcomers get at least one visit from a Researcher. I do not imply Newcomers should have only one visitor

They are in headings of 10 researchers per heading. Please pick a heading which you will be able to check in your own time.

vegsmiley - smiley

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Taken blocks 1 {a} and 2 {b}

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

1 {a} and 2 {b} are done.
Taken blocks 5 {e} and 6 {f}

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

They are done, and so is block 18 {r}.
Taking a break, hoping someone else shows up to help.smiley - bigeyes

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 5


I'll take I and J...

smiley - bat

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks, Batty!
I'll be back tonight when my grandson has gone home.

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 7


Thanx from veggiesmiley - smiley

catcha soon

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

taken block 16 {p}

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

block 16 {p} and block 14 {n} are done.
'Fraid that's all I can manage tonight.

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I just did block 24 {x} while waiting for my tea to cooksmiley - smiley
Goodnight everybody!

Welcome Mat Posted 21st Jan 2001

Post 11


Greetings smiley - smiley

Groups 7 and 8 are done. smiley - smiley



smiley - fish

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More Conversations for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 21st Jan 2001

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