A Conversation for Starship Titanic

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 1

Mish Prefect

This is a very bad, and blatently obvious plea for help on a really good, adictive, but utterly impossible game.
Starship Titanic.
Yeah, so I can't do it.
For Zarqoun's sake!!!!!

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 2

RichardG R#26400

The answer to the Subject question has to be :-
Just hard enough.
Any easier and it would all be over too soon. It still feels like that for me (and countless others no doubt) having finished the game.
The trick is to relax and enjoy the unfolding of the puzzles, whilst trying to leave no stone unturned - I mean, it would be a shame to miss any of it.

The best place for a quick hint (usually while you wait!) is the Chat rooms on the Starship Titanic web site. Its a thriving community with "Captains" who appear to live there in the First Class room.

If you aren't up to First Class yet, I would be glad to give you the gentlest of hints to get you moving again (there are often too many spoilers in the lower class rooms), so you don't miss any of the pleasures of discovery.

Follow my ID to my Home Page link to get me direct by email if you want a quicker reply.

Most of all, ENJOY. It doesn't last forever.

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 3

Yeliab {h2g2as}

What is the napkin for?

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 4

Brox (a.k.a. Researcher 43342)

the easiest way to answer that one is to think of what you use a napkin for. for example say you're eating chicken when you accidentaly spill some hot sauce on it. Oh my! dinner's ruined!!! no, wait...i'll just use my napkin!
see...wasn't that easy!

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 5

Seagull's Lost Horizon

It drove me mad, some games do, this i found almost impossible, some of the things that happened didn't seem to make sence , until I'd done them, even the second time I played it I got stuck, sometimes being as matter of saying the right thing.........

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 6

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I thought that the ending was way to short though, when you got to the bridge.

And has anyone found any other endings apart from the 2 normal ones?

How hard is this game!!????!!!!

Post 7

Seagull's Lost Horizon

yeah it was a little, although when I've played games like that, tomb raider discworld noir, and have done so much to get to the end I think oh is that it and what do I do now,

All I know is the two endings

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