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Returning ACE

Post 1


The PC having breathed its last, I've acquired a Mac mini & plan to make somewhat of a fresh start. As such I'm prepared to resume my duties as ACE. Could you please move my badge from...I believe my U# was 202717, to my new space at U13722077.

Returning ACE

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

That's done now smiley - ok

Returning ACE

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*grabs GB's duster and starts polishing* smiley - towel

Returning ACE

Post 4


Ooh, nice'n'shiny too.smiley - winkeye Thanks!

Returning ACE

Post 5


right lets have a really good opening statement regarding the difference in your brand new space free from clutter ,a new brain,say"a new life "to begin again,wow"what a gift.

Returning ACE

Post 6


Hmm, now I'm fully awake I'll see what I can do.

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