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I had my journal entry removed by moderators-can it be put back if it is edited?

Post 1


The moderators have removed my whole journal entry, (found here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F82998?thread=6030282) on the basis that there is breach of house rules/copyright enfringement because I reproduced lyrics in full. Having discussed this with the moderation team, I fully understand the reasons for removing the posting, however, may I ask that my journal entry is posted again, without the lyrics, but with the following added: "full lyrics to be found in the multimedia section of www.howardjones.co.uk." Many thanks. You see, I would like to continue this conversation with other researchers, and it may be tricky to do so without the original journal entry for reference! Thanks again Kaz.

I had my journal entry removed by moderators-can it be put back if it is edited?

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Hello Kaz,

The best thing to do in these situations generally is to reply to the moderation email with your rewritten post, as we'll probably see your request slightly sooner that way (and also because we can't really discuss moderation issues on-site).

However, as we've seen this, we have reinstated your posting as suggested (with just a couple of lines of the song smiley - smiley )

h2g2 Editors

I had my journal entry removed by moderators-can it be put back if it is edited?

Post 3


thanks h2g2 editors, that's lovely.

smiley - smiley

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I had my journal entry removed by moderators-can it be put back if it is edited?

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