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etiquette: adding friends

Post 1


this isnt a technical question, more of an etiquette one. it's only my 2nd day here and i dont really 'know' anyone yet, but i've seen some people's pages, who seem neat, and i dont want to lose track of them. is it acceptable h2g2 etiquette to add someone with whom you havent actually spoken, or with whom you've only had a very brief conversation, to your friends list without asking them?

etiquette: adding friends

Post 2


Some people just add them, some will ask if it is ok to add them, maybe 90% of the people i have asked, but the other 10% were added by my boy when i was in hospital, as they sent their best wishes to me.

But in the norm, i think it is polite to ask, most will feel flattered that you have asked and probably wont so no and from that they might add you to theirs also.

Oooops sorry, welcome by the waysmiley - smiley

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etiquette: adding friends

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