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Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 1

LL Waz

I wonder how many people unsub from a closed announcement thread as I do? I saw the addition to the one about staff emails only because I'd missed unsubbing it.

Just a thought.

Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit subscribed to half the active threads
"You should only unsubscribe frm a thread when you are not interested in the subject, or when changes in topic makes it redundant . . .

I see no point in unsubscreibing from closed threads, on the contrary, closed threads are particulary interesting when they are ever revived. "

Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Why unsub?

They are one offs.. and will slide down your convo list very quickly, yet you might just see something you may need to know about.

lil xx
smiley - magic

Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 4


They are dead threads. Nothing more will ever happen with them. And they are taking up some of the recently reduced 200 post limit I am now allowed on my conversation list. So I always unsubscribe from them after I read them.


Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 5


Actually you are now allowed 400.

And it has been known that if you ask Jim very very nicely he might temporarily change the limit to some other much higher number giving you the opportuinity to search for a distant conversation smiley - winkeye

Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 6


Jim or Jimster?

Anyhow, I'm not around here that much anymore.


Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 7



Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 8

LL Waz

I unsub partly because of the 200/400 limit, partly because I prefer not to have 'dead' threads in the top ten that show on my space or the top however many that show in 'My Conversations'.

Actually, thinking about it, it's the afterthought addition to an Announcement that seems odd. Because I didn't used to check new posts on the old unclosed Announcements threads either. Usually unsubbed those too, after reading the first post.

Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 9

Smij - Formerly Jimster

The 400 limit is planned as a temporary thing, to be fair, and the Announcements page is accessible via RSS and a handy link on the main menu (in Brunel).

Re-opening Announcement threads

Post 10

LL Waz

400 temporary? Good smiley - smiley.

RSS isn't for me. One of the things I like about h2g2 is it's sense of virtual place and that I come here when I want to drop in and talk or browse. RSS feeds v h2g2 threads is like the difference between a phone ringing claiming attention, and an email message sitting in the inbox waiting.

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