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adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 1


I am a Newbie with ambitions to write an Entry for Peer Review. The subject is complex and more easily explained with the addition of graphics which I have drawn myself. Can I add these to the Entry or are all graphics banned? These are diagrams not pictures as such. If I can add graphics, which format should I use? If I cannot include graphics with the text can I send them seperately or should I create a space to store them and provide a link to it?
I am not that brilliant with using computers, mostly self taught, because they never had them in my day...lol, so I would appreciate a simple answer please,if possible.

adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 2


There are certain circumstances under which an entry can use graphics, but the procedure is complicated and not all skins of h2g2 can display graphics, so it is better if the entry is understandable without them.

When you've written the entry, why not pop it into the Writing-Workshop and see what sort of a response you get? That would be a good way to 'test the waters', as it were.

Good luck!smiley - goodluck

adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 3


Tis true that getting images made for entries rarely happens - rarely, not never

If you think/know your entry simply has to have images, then persuading the decision makers might be easier if, when they read your text, there's an accompanying link to somewhere, anywhere, that your images can be seen

Even if you're images are a tad sketchy, don't worry - cos there's a team of brilliant artists floating around hereabouts

The other good news is that there are several FREE image hosting sites available

One I know and trust is fotki: http://www.fotki.com/

The only (minor) drawback is that (with a free account) your images (regardless of their 'original' size) will only display at around 800 by 600 pixels (v roughly the size of a 6-by-4" postcard... ish) on screen

But I figure that's not a major problem - esp when you consider that it's free and you'll get NO spam smiley - smiley

adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

Hello all,

The advent of the mobile service meant that we would rather that graphics weren't included within Entries, apart from the ones on the top Entries on the front page (none of them can be seen on mobile).

We'd prefer you to try and get round it with words. *However*, if the graphics are of a suitably high standard and aren't used as a substitute for a clear explanation, then we *may* include them. But we can't assess that until we've seen the Entry. Good luck! smiley - goodluck

h2g2 Editors

adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 5

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

echomikeromeo: "certain circumstances".

See, for example, A4596735 The Decipherment of Linear B.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 6

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

or in my case, people in PR make me add a diagram for A10607267

however instead of being uploaded to h2g2, it links to my site and uses up some of my paid for bandwidth. Which I'm fairly sure shouldn't really be happening

adding graphics to Entry for Peer Review

Post 7

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Did you ask us to upload it to the entry, Jon?

We've said that we'll consider graphics, butt hat the entry should work as a piece of text and, where possible, not be reliant on graphics. But if the graphic is your own work, we're willing to look at uploading one.

Drop us a line: h2g2.editorial at the bbc.co.uk address. smiley - smiley

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