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Problem with my Romans entry

Post 1


I was just looking through my Romans in Britain series, and it appears that the links to the others in the series at the top of each entry link to the unedited version, not the edited version.

The full list of the edited versions is:

A3240037 The Romans in Britain: Minerals
A3372842 The Romans in Britain: Art
A3372824 The Romans in Britain: Towns and Villas
A3342610 The Romans in Britain: Pottery
A3421072 The Romans in Britain: The Army
A3502577 The Romans in Britain: Forts and Fortresses
A3436616 The Romans in Britain: Agriculture
A3473967 The Romans in Britain: Trade and Travel

Could someone sort it, please? smiley - ta very much! smiley - smiley

Problem with my Romans entry

Post 2


I missed one out:

A3383868 The Romans in Britain: A Brief History

Problem with my Romans entry

Post 3

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Wouldn't <./>Feedback-Editorial</.> be the place for this?

Problem with my Romans entry

Post 4


Damn, I thought this was! That'll teach me to look more cafefully next time. smiley - blush

Thanks, I'll post it again there. smiley - smiley

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