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I have been locked out of h2g2!

Post 1

Researcher 209440

I am Scarlet Woman and have been for some time! Today I was not allowed back in - I don't know if this because I have typed my login name incorrectly or if I have got my password wrong - I have tried every combination I can think of - can anyone help PLEASE!

I have been locked out of h2g2!

Post 2



Email [email protected] including your User number and they will send you your login details.


I have been locked out of h2g2!

Post 3

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

It could be because the password is case sensitive. try putting a Capital letter at the start.

Or it could be that the settings on your browser have changed. Check that cookies are being accepted.

Amy smiley - ant

I have been locked out of h2g2!

Post 4

Researcher 209440

Thank you....but, I'm still stuck as Researcher 209440 - the support team got back to me - with my login name - but I think it is the login name for this space.

When I go to preferences I can't change my number to a name because apparently my e-mail address is invalid - not sure how that is possible?!

I simply want to delete this space and gain access to my original space as Scarlet Woman...what should I try next?

smiley - fairy

I have been locked out of h2g2!

Post 5


What info did you email the support? You need to send them you ORIGINAL U-number, your ORIGINAL username, your ORIGINAL email addy, and, if you trust them, what you think your password should be.


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