A Conversation for Christmas Greetings from h2g2...
cutest x-mas card on the net!!
keks Started conversation Dec 18, 2000
It's cute!
Really! Who had the idea ?
cutest x-mas card on the net!!
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Posted Dec 19, 2000
cutest x-mas card on the net!!
Cynthia Posted Dec 20, 2000
Hey, glad you like the card . I did the animation up to the point where the robin hops off with the cherry. I needed the robin to return the favour and that's when Mark came up with the idea of the centipede (instead of a strand of spaghetti) and the kiss
It worked a treat.
Have a good one!
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cutest x-mas card on the net!!
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