This is the Message Centre for Go-Go Girl


Post 1


"Can too much pleasure be a bad thing?"

No, it can not. Anyone who says it can, says so only because it gives them pleasure to feel like they're being "good". They are silly people. We are all hedonists, only some of us know it and can enjoy it properly. smiley - biggrin

Just surfing about, saw your question, and thought I'd put my 2 cents in.




Post 2

Go-Go Girl


Thanks for your '2 cents'. So I guess it's okay then to strive for unlimited amounts of pleasure without feeling guilty..and so I shall continue to do so! I think we should cram as much fun into life as possible, and I'm always amazed that some people see 'fun' as not part of real life, after all is not reality what you make of it?


GGGsmiley - smiley


Post 3

Go-Go Girl again. just checked your page and discovered you live in my favourite place on earth. I spent two years in Santa Fe a couple of years ago, and I rather think I've left my soul there. I really miss it and it's my dream to return and spend the rest of my days there. Oh for the blue skies, the green chilli stew, the smell of pinon, the magical air, the night sky....I could go on and on...

Oh well. Kiss the ground for me.

GGG smiley - smiley


Post 4


"I rather think I've left my soul there."

They don't call New Mexico the Land of Entrapment for nothing! smiley - winkeye

"Kiss the ground for me."

Done. (smiley - kiss ugh! [spit, spit, rinse] That wasn't pleasurable, it was gritty!) Next time I kiss the ground for someone, I'm blowing a kiss!



Post 5

Go-Go Girl

Oh...gee..didn't mean for you to get grit in your mouth. Sorry..but I kind of imagined you might kiss the ground with your lips closed. smiley - sadface

anyway, isn't lots of 'grit' what folks in the South like for breakfast?

GGDQ smiley - smiley


Post 6

Chairman Mei

Sorry to interupt but I was just wondering whether either of you could tell me where I could get "Too Much Pleasure" as I would like to find out whether or not it is a bad thing or not. I looked it up in the dictionary but was confronted with page upon page of recipes for double chocolate gateau.
The Chairman (a HG2TG veteran and an h2g2 rookie)
I did attempt another experiment but unfortunately read the question wrongly and my bicycle tyre exploded.


Post 7

Go-Go Girl

Hello Chairman!

Welcome to H2G2...I hope you enjoy your travels around these parts.

As to your question about where to find "too much pleasure"...well, I am afraid I cannot reveal that, for you might take all the Pleasure and leave none for me. smiley - winkeye

However, I can say that you were on the right track when the dictionary gave you chocolate cake recipes....

Happy Trails...



Post 8


I've had several close brushes with 'too much pleasure'. One memorable one involved mixing the pleasures of sex, drugs, and skeet shooting. Who knew?

How about this recipe for a 'too much pleasure' spread: Smoked Salmon, an Interesting Loaf of Bread, Spreadable Cheese (brie, gorgonzola, whatever), Pistachios, Dark Chocolate, and White Wine. Lay all these items out on a table, and invite someone over whom you've had your eye on for a while anyway. I can't guarantee you'll overdose on pleasure, but I'll bet a dollar you won't complain! smiley - biggrin

Welcome to H2G2! smiley - smiley


Post 9

Chairman Mei

Well thank y'all for ya trans-atlantic hospitality (spoken in very bad southern drawl - comparable to Mr D van Dyke trying to be a cockney chappy from good ole "Landan Tarn").

btw "mixing the pleasures of sex, drugs, and skeet shooting" is not only dangerous but illegal... or at least it is for me as I live in a flat and the neighbours complain when I do target practice, plus the fact that the flat is in Germland, sorry Germany (frankFart) and anything that is fun, enjoyable or pleasureable is either verboten, nicht erlaubt or nicht gestattet (basically "NEIN!!!!"). So, in a nutshell I tried it without the Skeet-shooting instead. Thanks for the tip!
Chairman Kubla Khan

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