A Conversation for Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 1

Imperial Master Chief Vogon Officer Ted

On our planet, the most famous four guys in rock are a merry band of poets called Bhe Teatles ... What a strange planet this is, can anyone give me directions to the nearest intergalactic highway?

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 2


Turn Left at the lights !

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

There's a mountain side depiction of Crazy Horse taking shape somewhere out there, too.

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 4


Yup, and they're STILL only finished his face!

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

How much of the rest of him are they going to do?

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 6


As I understand it, it's to be a statue of him on a horse, with one arm outstretched, pointing forward...

You can see a little of what they're planning at http://www.crazyhorse.org/

The most famous four guys in rock

Post 7

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks. That's certainly an ambitious project. I hope it comes to fruition.

Here's another one that you might find interesting:


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