This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Michelle shivers as she re-enters room 009, the room of Minos Krymla. Minos is the only guest that she has failed to find attractive qualities about. He gives her the creeps. Probably because of the scales and the tounge.

Minos' room is predominantly green, with black moulding and black sheets. The bookshelf contains many books by world scientists -- Dr. No, Dr. Evil, Dr. Frankenstien, and their ilk. The writting desk is normal, containing all the various neccissities. Minos does not share a bathroom with anyone, his room has it's own W.C.

A nightstand by the bed contains the obligatory Gideon's Bible. A large painting above the bed depicts a man with a hatchet.

Michelle leaves, after finishing her work. Onto the ladies' rooms. *

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 2

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*A dark figure places the hatchet, along with this letter, on KL's nightstand:

The butler must be stopped. It's our only hope of getting out of here with our heads! I'll turn the lights off in the sitting room, and you can hit him with this.

--a friend

*the dark figure leaves*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 3

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*By the way, if you accept, I think it'd be best for you to post something here to the effect of "Minos picks up the hatchet", just so that I know you're planning on doing it.*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 4

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*The next time KL returns to his guest room alone, he would find something very strange: An exact replica of himself -- a CLI android retro-fitted with remote controll. Attached to it is a note*

Thank you very much for ridding me of Stavro, he was becoming a problem. He knew too much. Now, if you value your life you will take this remote controll and go over to the bookshelf, pulling the book labeled "The History of the White House". The bookshelf will then swing aside, allowing you to pass through. It will close again. You can control the android while watching a monitor of its actions from inside the secret room. Believe me, it is in the interest of your /life/ that I give you these instructions.

Lord Reflection"

*If Minos enters in the company of others this android does not appear untill he is alone.*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 5


*Minos storms into his room, extremely worried. He had anticipated that Stavro would be another android, and that everything up to this point would have only been a game. He never intended to commit murder. And considering his past, the others wouldn't believe that he hadn't planned it all.

KL looks around the room, and notices the android and the note. He reads the note and examines the letter. Realizing that the others will probably attempt to kill him sooner or later, he picks up the remote, and removes "The History Of The White House". The bookcase moves aside just enough to allow him to enter. He looks at the monitor, and examines the controls. Sighing, he turns on the android*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 6

Garius Lupus

*GL knocks at the door*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 7


*Krylma opens his door*

KL-Yes? Is there something I can do for you, Garius?

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 8

Garius Lupus

*Steps inside the room*

I just came to talk to you about Stavro. I think I understand what happened.

*Walks further into room beside KL, puts arm around KL's shoulder.*

Everyone probably thinks you intended to murder him, but I'm sure it was innocently done.

*GL pulls the noose out from under his suit jacket and slips it over KL's head. He begins to pull the noose tight.*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 9


*The noose damages the android's larynx circuit. The result, of course, is that of a dead robo-Minos, who slumps to the floor*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 10


*Affy is on his way to the Sitting Room, but sees GL in KLs room. Enters*

Hey, Garius, I was in room 013, and I saw...

*Sees GL standing over KL. Sees the noose in GLs hands. Smiles, nods his head, and slowly backs away*

Okay, I'm sure there's a reason for this, right? A logical explanation. I'll think about it while I go back to the sitting room...

*Slowly backs out of the room and heads for the sitting room*

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 11

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*I have orders directly from Garius to allow him to beat a hasty retreat from the crime scene. We'll say he's back in his room. Anyone entering the room finds the robo-Minos dead, with a noose arround his neck. They also find that the bookshelf won't budge, no matter what book the try. The real Minos, meanwhile, continues his adventures here: *

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 12

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~Enters the room, is shocked, forgets to check whether the body is an android, and runs back to the sitting room~

Minos Krymla's Guest Room

Post 13

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

2 androids, one real murder and the suspects are all being killed off.....

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