This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

NYC's Guest Room

Post 61

Big Bad Werewolf

Well, we've passed Witty's date and my date and today is Affy's date. So, it looks like Affy is the winner of the pool, since there is no sign of Lord R. I now think that we won't hear from him until late on the weekend - say, on the 7th. He'll have alot of backlog to catch up on. smiley - biggrin

NYC's Guest Room

Post 62


8 qt433l 29h[5 g3 3qwy r94 y8j 59 r8h8wy 85 f346 178dio6l

NYC's Guest Room

Post 63

Witty Moniker

*Distracted, WM hears Affy speak, but doesn't comprehend.*

Pardon me, Affy. Could you repeat that?

NYC's Guest Room

Post 64

Big Bad Werewolf

I'm pretty sure he said:

8 qt433l 29h[5 g3 3qwy r94 y8j 59 r8h8wy 85 f346 178dio6l

At least, that is what it sounded like to me. Giberish. smiley - smiley

NYC's Guest Room

Post 65

Witty Moniker

Or he dropped his keyboard. smiley - silly

NYC's Guest Room

Post 66

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

"I agree. won't be easy for him to finish it very quickly."

NYC's Guest Room

Post 67


Very good, NYC. I was sure I wouldn't be the only one around here who knew the QWERTY Code.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 68

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Can I guess January 23rd? Or does my inside information disqualify me?

[A martini materializes in NYC's hand]

[The chef thaws and reacts to being given money]

Oh, so ye landlubbers think yas ken bribe me, eh? Whell Cap'n Cook willn't be so easy to persuade!

[By the way, how come no one has greeted this apparent Ship's Cook? You know, something along the lines of "Hey, Seaman" (Is this joke too obscure for even Affy to get? Stay tuned!)]

NYC's Guest Room

Post 69


Hello Sailor!

Oh, please, it was challenging without the clues, but don't just spell it out for experienced text adventure players like myself. smiley - winkeye

*Affy waits to see if his utterance of the two sacred words will result in something special happening. Only once, in his entire career as an adventurer, has this legendary phrase yielded something more than "Nothing happens here." He eagerly awaits the answer*

NYC's Guest Room

Post 70

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

[Affy's greeting has an odd effect on the cook. He drops his cleaver, and gives Affy a great big bear hug. Crying, he says:]

Ah, matey! And hello to ye, too! I've been feeling so lonely these years. Nobody wants to sit and chat with a poor old sailor like meself. It's always "Ulysses, chop the meat! Ulysses, is dinner ready? Ulysses this, Ulysses that!" Look here, you seem like a decent sort, let me show you into a less frozen part of this 'ere maze!

[He leads the group up a winding staircase to a pair of doors]

These 'ere are the back ways into rooms 013 and 011. Now, I ain't got the keys to the rooms, but at least up 'ere it ain't so nippy like.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 71


Rooms 013 and 011, eh? Well, thanks there Ulysses. You know, this whole scene seems to be very, very familiar....Hmmmm....

*Affy pulls the keys out of his pocket, and tries to decide which room to dash to first*

NYC's Guest Room

Post 72

Big Bad Werewolf

Let's see. Which was the room that had the paintings, Affy? Wasn't it room 13? Lord R's room. Let's look in there.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 73

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

* Peet tags along for the promised "Stunning Conclusion"...

NYC's Guest Room

Post 74


*Affy unlocks room 013 and heads through....*

NYC's Guest Room

Post 75

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

* Peet follows, and looks around. He sees... (help us out here, GL!)

NYC's Guest Room

Post 76

Big Bad Werewolf

*BBW follows the others into room 13*

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