This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

NYC's Guest Room

Post 41


*Okay, I'm in the kitchen, and we're just waiting for Lord R to reply. Meanwhile, we can try to figure out who's going to get killed next. smiley - smiley*

*Affy turns to BBW*

Werewolf, ever think about the method of these murders? Only one murder has actually happened, and that was unintentional. Do you think, perhaps, that this is all just an elaborate plot to have the butler killed? It reminds me of Agatha Christie's "Murder On The Orient Express." If everyone has the intent of actually killing someone else, not one of us will be able to turn in the real murderer. When everyone's stories are told, we will merely all be arrested, one of us for murder, the rest of us for attempted murder. Sure, one of us will probably be given the mansion, and the rest of us healthy supplies of cash to keep us quiet, but it's still rather unsettling.

I've not been tempted to murder anyone yet, and I don't think you have. But odds are, one of us will be. When that happens, make sure that it's a robot instead of the real person. Not to sound too bossy, but I'm not going to take the chance of getting arrested for something I've never intended to carry out.

*Turns back to the guy blocking the pathway*

Didn't an earlier post say that all of the servants were either out of the mansion or dead?

NYC's Guest Room

Post 42

Big Bad Werewolf

Yes, I have thought about the method of these "murders" and I do intend to make sure that if I am instructed to murder someone, it is an android that I kill, not a real person.

We did find the note in GL's room that instructed him to commit the murder of KL. I'll be looking for similar notes in the other rooms as we search. That is, if we ever get done with NYC's room smiley - smiley

Okay, Lord R. - we're just waiting to see what happened when I gave the guy the coins.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 43

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC speaks in a clear loud voice*

I WONDER if I can get a DRINK around here...

*nothing much happens, NYC wanders over to Affy's and BBW's position in the freezer*

NYC's Guest Room

Post 44


Hello again, NYC. Sorry, don't have much in the way of a drink. If I was in my adventure clothes, I'd have a hip flask, but that'd be full with water. I'm in the mood for something carbonated right now. Maybe a Fresca.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 45

Big Bad Werewolf

Hey NYC - if you're looking for something alcoholic, there is a bottle of vodka over there behind that rump roast.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 46

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

I'll take anything that will distract me from the fact that I'm currently sitting in a freezer and my coat is in a closet elsewhere...

NYC's Guest Room

Post 47


Hey, it could be colder. Marching through a blizzard, now *that* is cold.smiley - winkeye

NYC's Guest Room

Post 48

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

sounds like something said from experience, affy...

NYC's Guest Room

Post 49

Big Bad Werewolf

Yes it does. And would you happen to have been playing Sax, while marching?


NYC's Guest Room

Post 50


I never *said* that I had ever marched through snow myself. But I've walked through snow, and I've marched when it was too cold to be safely outside without my jacket, so I can tell you that it's cold. So would a few other people that I know.

I think that this butcher is frozen solid. Someone should really take a pulse.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 51

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

that WOULD explain why his expression hasn't changed these past few hours.

but have you marched through snow barefoot? one little bout of laziness instantly made me an olympic sprinter one cold january day...

NYC's Guest Room

Post 52


No, you don't march barefoot, through snow or otherwise. If you don't have appropriate shoes, you don't march.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 53

Big Bad Werewolf

I wonder if Lord R is having computer problems like you had, Affy. My guess is that it will be after christmas before he posts again. We should start a pool for when he next posts. I say, um, January 3rd.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 54

Witty Moniker

Indeed! Put me down for Dec 28.

And when Lord R goes, so goes the help. It seems like a week smiley - winkeye since I asked Michele for a martini. Excuse me while I backtrack the long way to the kitchen. I'll fix my own smiley - stiffdrink.

*WM works her way back through the sitting room, dining room and kitchen. She stashes those rubber gloves under the sink, then prepares a nice dry Bombay Sapphire martini with 4 olives. She then returns to the search party.*

NYC's Guest Room

Post 55


*Wonders how WM found her way through the maze, but decides not to worry about it*

Okay, I'm going to guess that he won't be back until,...January 4th.

*Thinks he may have figured out a clue as to the true identity of Lord Reflection, but, as always, isn't confident enough to really say his guess*


Post 56

Big Bad Werewolf

This post has been removed.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 57


Hmmm, perhaps if I get the chance later. I'm a bit bogged down as it is, though. Meanwhile, I'll just sit here, and wait...

NYC's Guest Room

Post 58

Big Bad Werewolf

I will be away until January. Have a nice Christmas, everyone.

NYC's Guest Room

Post 59


NYC's Guest Room

Post 60


By, Werewolf. See ya then!

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