A Conversation for The Peel Hotel - Bradford (U.K.)

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Post 1


the best damm pub in bradford is Bar 2 be at the top end of town
good drinks, good music, good times by all

The Peel

Post 2


Last time I was in the peel , It was full of under 18s. It seems they've migrated from tumblers to there.

The Peel

Post 3

Researcher @ large

a) Tumblers, now Gaudies or somthing, has changed considerably, and is well worth a look on a wednesday nite for the live jazz...
b) The peel lost it's apeal along with the psychodelic fruit on the walls....

The Peel

Post 4

Fayalite 50772

thank god they got rid of that scary fruit.
They do good Sunday Lunches, but it is always packed and full of bad Karoke singers if I end up in there. Those fruit on the walls used to really scare me, if they are gone, I might go in there more often.

The Peel

Post 5

Researcher @ large

Sorry, really can't agree with that, The food is good, but the fruit just added an element of 'class' to the whole place.
Also the Willowfield is closed for referbishment, but they did good sunday lunches...

The Peel

Post 6


The best thing about the Peel has got to be the 30p pool table. Cheap and fun all under one roof

The Peel

Post 7


The Peel is a bit odd, I've only been there once and I'm not so keen on going back again. Lots of university hockey players a lot of the time.

Gaudis is a great little spot, has 80p/90p bottles and spirits quite a lot of the time, and has a brilliant cocktail bar. V nice atmosphere.

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