This is the Message Centre for aussie_sunset

ACE's welcome aussie_sunset!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm popping in as one of the assistant community editors(aka <./>ACEs</.&gtsmiley - winkeyehere. We greet newbies such as yourself and help you to get settled. Well you do the settlin', we help out a bit by lettin' you know where you can find things.smiley - winkeye

My colleague Feisor has compiled a comprehensive list of Hints and Links at A719840...take your time going over that as well as examining the various features in the process. You'll find things like; the Regional Researchers' Groups at A660313 - there's also a Researchers' Map at A5076614, the numerous questions/topics in <./>askh2g2</.>, our newspaper <./>thepost</.>, the assortment of <./>smileys</.> and the Personal Space Workshop at A1123354. I mention the Workshop only because it might be a useful supplement to Spicing Up Your User Page, which Feisor refers you to.

Feel free to leave me a message if you have a question, just use the 'Reply' button, ok. smiley - cheers*waves*

ACE's welcome aussie_sunset!

Post 2

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh and nice entry on a resident of another "cold hole of a place" I can concur that some people do indeed like 4 real(or distinct)seasons and that-although we tend to get quite a bit of it-snow Is a thing to be celebrated - good on ya mate!smiley - smiley

ACE's welcome aussie_sunset!

Post 3


this might be a silly question, but how do I edit my "goulburn" post do i just view it, copy and paste into a new entry, edit it and send it back for peer review again?

Douglas Adams inspired me to study literature, also I was too stupid for a science degree.

Aussie Sunsetsmiley - cheers

ACE's welcome aussie_sunset!

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Hello Aussie Sunset, and greetings!!!

Jaz has asked me to pop over to give you a little helping hand.

Your entry is very easy to edit. If you look on your PS, you will see "Guide Entries" at the top right hand side of your page. Click on that and it will take you to your entries.

Then click on the one you want to edit. On the right hand side of the entry, you will see "Edit Entry", just click on that and you'll call up the entry again and it can be edited.

If you have any problem with guideml, just give me a yell and I'll come over and give you a little helping hand.

By the way, it's a darn good entry so keep going at it! smiley - biggrin

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