This is the Message Centre for Trillian

H2G2 A/S

Post 1


Hi There,

If you are still looking in on H2G2 once in a while, this is just a note to let you know that the H2G2 Astronomy Society is ‘Under New Management’.

As a member of long standing you’ll probably be aware that the Society’s pages could do with a bit of updating, and that’s what I’m attempting at the moment. The original Home Page A413876 is still there with its links to the other society pages, but all are under review at the moment. So if you have any suggestions that you think may be worth including I would be interested to hear them.

If so, please post your suggestions or comments here and I’ll do my best to include them.

Also, if you’d like to see any new postings on the Home Page A413876 just pop over there and click on the ‘Subscribe to see new conversations’ button.


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H2G2 A/S

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