A Conversation for Don't Panic

Help me!! Please!!!

Post 1

cafram - in the states.

In one of my user pages (P86069) if adamently refuses to show the giff! I've got absolutely no idea why...I've done them in another page and on my home page, and they all work - this one's just being stubborn!

Also...I can never see the clock (you know, GiGi's?) on anyone's page - it just comes up as a text box (like the 'search' one). Not your problem, but do you know why this could be?

I am now in the mood for complaining smiley - sadface, so I've got just one more thing! Every two weeks or so, I have to re-register. I don't know why, it could just be that my brother is erasing the history and then denying it...but I doubt doubt it (the cookies should still do something, shouldn't they??), so again, not your problem, but I thought that if you knew and someone else had the same problem they could tell me how to fix it......? smiley - smiley


Help me!! Please!!!

Post 2


The problem with your gif is that you have entered its url wrongly. You entered http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Omega/7645/Giffs/groupSmCLR
& you should have entered

For your clock problem - here is the url where Gigi got the clock (I think) http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/javatime.html
Its author says this if there's no clock
"my guess is that you don't see the clock at the top of the page which means you do not have a browser strong enough to read JavaScript"
- that & its reading the time from your 'puter & he says
"Please note that the script reads the time the browser is keeping; the time will be right in all time zones providing the viewer has his/her computer configured to give the correct time."

On your cookie problem - he probably is clearing the cookies - or your 'puter is doing it for you. This shouldn't be a problem, I think, if you bookmark/favourite the url that is contained in the registration email the site sends you - just keep going to that url & it should be fine.


Help me!! Please!!!

Post 3

cafram - in the states.



Thanks for that!! smiley - smiley

Help me!! Please!!!

Post 4


no worries - anytime


Help me!! Please!!!

Post 5

Researcher 91703

If you really need help, simply call 911. If it is not quite an emergency then call 910.

Help me!! Please!!!

Post 6


What sort of minor emergencies would qualify for a 910 call as opposed to a 911 call? Say your favorite recliner has just become an intelligent being, and demands reimbursment for the psychological trauma of years of being sat on. That would probably be a 910 call? Now say the recliner has turned the tables, and sits on you, crushing your spine? That would most likely be a 911 call. But there is some grey area (which is probably where all the grey animals went). If your end table becomes a sentient being, and wrestles you to the ground in order to rest drinks on your back, then that would take some time to think it over.

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