A Conversation for Don't Panic

I have two different e-mail adresses

Post 1


Dear editors
What do I do when I have two e-mail-adresses and want to have accsess to my home page from both of them? smiley - fish
In case you wonder: I can't be at work all the time!
So: do I have to change identity when I go home?
smiley - smiley

I have two different e-mail adresses

Post 2


I'm not an editor, but this is what Monsy did.

Forward the registration e-mail you got from h2g2 to your other address, then place the registration page in "favorite places".(or whatever your ISP calls it) Then all you have to do is hit that shortcut.

Now...if your the only person in your house who is on h2g2, it's not even that complicated.

Ask Monsy for more details.


I have two different e-mail adresses

Post 3


Thank you,fairly.

I have two different e-mail adresses

Post 4


All you have to do is note the URL that was given you in your first registration email - the http://www.-/UXXXXX?key=YYYYYYYY
and use that each time you log on. As long as only one email address is registered at the registration page, only one account will be maintained. The only problem is that that is the only email address to which rejection, acceptance and so forth letters will be sent, but that's a minor problem with the wonders of autoforwarding.

I have two different e-mail adresses

Post 5


This is what works for me:

I use a free service called My Bookmarks (www.mybookmarks.com), a useful little site that allows you to export your bookmarks or favourites to a web page, then access them from wherever you are. I registered from my home address, then cut and pasted the url for my home page into mybookmarks. Works seamlessly.

Surely you don't browse h2g2 instead of being productive???

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