A Conversation for Sex - An Introduction

Well frankly some things are dumb!

Post 1


I think all those laws are stupid! Not being able to talk dirty in ya wifes ear while ya doin it! What they gonna do? put a rag in ya mouth to stop ya talking? How they gonna know? Have a microphone hidden in every persons bedroom or rather room? They're all pretty dumb since most of em can't be inforced at all and that's all I've got to say about the matter!!!!

Well frankly some things are dumb!

Post 2


yes, mooshie, you are right frankly some things are stupid. just goes to show you there is one born every minute. smiley - smiley

Well frankly some things are dumb!

Post 3

Necro (Patron Daemon of Patron Saints)

True enough, Monshari, true enough. But which country do these ridiculous laws exist in? It could only be America...

Well frankly some things are dumb!

Post 4


of course, where else would they exsist besides america, after all we just love making fools out of ourselves. smiley - smiley

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