A Conversation for Sex - An Introduction
ohio is also nuts
ShiraBee Started conversation Oct 21, 2002
In Ohio, oral sex is illegal. And butt sex is illegal in a lot of states. American crazies...
-S Bee
ohio is also nuts
Z Posted Mar 15, 2003
why it's a harmless activity if you take precautions..
ps if put something in your personal space then people can drop in and talk to you..
ohio is also nuts
Marcinta Drewbish Posted Mar 15, 2003
Ass sex isn't really safe to be legal. It makes rape of young boys easier to get away with, and shown less as a bad thing. In the UK it's illegal to have anal sex until you are 21.
ohio is also nuts
Z Posted Mar 15, 2003
No it isn't the age of consent is 16 for anal sex, and it is perfectly safe the only things that you can catch you can catch from hetrosexual sex.
Surely the illegality of anal sex would make rape easier to get away with, the victim would be more reluctant to report it because if the rapist was aquitted everyone would think that they had broken the law and consented to it.
ohio is also nuts
Marcinta Drewbish Posted Mar 15, 2003
Having an age limit of anal sex makes paedofilia illegal, hence making it a bad thing. If it was legal, then it couldn't be reported as it wouldn't be counted as a crime. the age limit for homosexual sex is 21, or has been until recently and I've noticed the change. Doesn't that mean anal sex is illegal until 21?
ohio is also nuts
Z Posted Mar 16, 2003
if it's sex without consent then it's a crime, if it's a sex with a minor as in under 16 then it's a crime, if it's consental sex however it's done bettween adults then it isn't a crime. Simple.
ohio is also nuts
Z Posted Mar 16, 2003
if it's sex without consent then it's a crime, if it's a sex with a minor as in under 16 then it's a crime, if it's consental sex however it's done bettween adults then it isn't a crime. Simple.
ohio is also nuts
Z Posted Mar 16, 2003
if it's sex without consent then it's a crime, if it's a sex with a minor as in under 16 then it's a crime, if it's consental sex however it's done bettween adults then it isn't a crime. Simple.
ohio is also nuts
ShiraBee Posted Apr 22, 2003
i only just noticed that this conversation is going on..
* butt sex is not equal to homosexual sex
* homosexual sex is not inherently bad
* homosexual sex is not equal to paedophilia
* law is not equal to basic truth
so some of those arguments are going to have to be reworked. personally, i don't see what's wrong with butt sex and i certainly can't imagine any good reason for lawmakers to think that it's any of their business what constituents do in bed, among sober consenting adults [although the questions of 'who is an adult' and 'why can't young people make their own decisions (i think they can)' come to mind.. but that's for another time, i feel]
ohio is also nuts
Kleopatra Posted May 2, 2003
What I don't really get is what give the government, ANY GOVERNMENT, MIND YOU, the right to say what is legal in your own bedroom anyway. Personally, I think anal sex is just plain nasty, but there are people out there who think that butt sex is the ONLY good sex, I know because I have met a few of these a****les. And I agree with whoever said that nobody really follows the sex rules anyway.
ohio is no longer nuts
The Quite Memorably And Most Creatively Named No. 704,239 Posted Jul 25, 2004
'Ello! Just here to let the record show American sodomy laws were stricken down by the liberal
evil murdering
Al Franken
Advanced Conservative Studies
bench-bound legislators of the
evil murdering
Al Franken
Advanced Conservative Studies
Supreme Court that push their
"ideals" on the rest of us on Thing, November 14, 2003, in a 6-3 ruling in Lawrence and Garner v. Texas. This reverses the 1987 case of Bowers v. Hardwick. 37 states had laws and 13 had state laws. Have a nice day!
Justices favoring Lawrence and Garner:
John Paul Stevens
Sandra Day O'Connor
Anthony Kennedy
David Souter
Ruth Bader-Ginsburg
Stephen Breyer
Justices favoring Texas:
Chief Justice William Rehnquist
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
ohio is also nuts
ZappyZaphod Posted Jul 1, 2005
Uhhhhhhh, I don't really see why it matters if there are laws that say that you can or cannot do something in the privacy of your own bedroom...do any of you really think the police are going to burst into your bedroom while you're having sex and arrest you?
Key: Complain about this post
ohio is also nuts
- 1: ShiraBee (Oct 21, 2002)
- 2: Marcinta Drewbish (Mar 15, 2003)
- 3: Z (Mar 15, 2003)
- 4: Marcinta Drewbish (Mar 15, 2003)
- 5: Z (Mar 15, 2003)
- 6: Marcinta Drewbish (Mar 15, 2003)
- 7: Z (Mar 16, 2003)
- 8: Z (Mar 16, 2003)
- 9: Z (Mar 16, 2003)
- 10: Marcinta Drewbish (Mar 16, 2003)
- 11: Z (Mar 16, 2003)
- 12: ShiraBee (Apr 22, 2003)
- 13: Kleopatra (May 2, 2003)
- 14: The Quite Memorably And Most Creatively Named No. 704,239 (Jul 25, 2004)
- 15: ZappyZaphod (Jul 1, 2005)
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