This is the Message Centre for Montana Redhead (now with letters)


Post 1

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Hey there! How did the oral exams go? Just wanted to let you know that you probably won't see me over at lil's. I tried to get back into it, but I just can't see it working out.

I was out for a bit over a week and there were literally 800 new posts! I just can't keep up with that pace. Frankly I don't know how any of you do.

Anyway, the lunch thing still sounds good and hopefully I'll get over to Friday's some night.


Some people say I have a short attention span, but they just don't... Oh look! A chicken!


Post 2

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Hey. We're just obsessive, that's all. And have time.

I passed my orals, so now all I have to do is write a book.

And lunch is definitely an idea. Get my number from your bro tonight. And have fun at K's birthday party!

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