A Conversation for Death


Post 1

Johnny Guitar

Death is a bit like the english rock group Kula Shaker. It's greatly over-rated and most people who have
seen it think they have seen it before. One of the best ways to avoid death, which is a highly recommended
course of action unless you are feeling particularly adventurous that afternoon, is by failing to do anything even
slightly dangerous. Many people who perform in an "heroic" manner, by scaling tall mountains for instance, believe
they have "cheated" death. This would be more literally true if they failed to carry out the dangerous enterprise in the
first place and thereby gave death no chance of winning.


Post 2

RichardG R#26400

An even better way of avoiding death is to be incredibly bad,
because, as we all know, "Only the good die young".


Post 3


The trouble with avoiding death by skipping anything dangerous is that this practise itself is dangerous.

By example... 60 people a year die getting out of bed, a similar number expire prematurely by being electricuted whilst switching off their alarm clock. Life is dangerous and will inevitably lead to that most terminal illness, Death. The real problem though is that hundreds of people actually kill themselves each year (Presumably different people, not the same ones each year!) by falling down the stairs. On this basis if you can't risk getting out of bed or going down the stairs, or perhaps turning off your alarm clock then you are in great danger of starving to death or indeed finally comitting suicide as a result of the madness inflicted by the constant bleeping of your alarm clock.

Alternatively, you could extend your life expectancy by climbing mountains, base jumping, drinking meths, and most importantly sleeping standing up in a bungalow until you wake up naturally.


Post 4

Researcher 31974 aka Gemini

As but you have all forgotten the best way to cheat Death shown brilliantly by Red Dwarf is to knee him where it hurts and run off laughing

Death is good for you!

Post 5


Remember death is the cure to all diseases so it must be good for you, I think.

Death is good for you!

Post 6


Good or bad - like taxes, it is inevitable! I prefer having a modicum of say over my life - more especially over the inevitable, but alas.....inevitable is inevitable nes' pas?


Post 7


I have been considering my attitude towards life for some time now, and your post raises an interesting question. If the good die young does that mean that the bad ALWAYS die old. To whit, should I change my character completely and be bad all the time in the hope that I live to a good old age.
Following on from this, does you comment mean that the Queen Mother has been bad all her life, or has she been kneeing death in the bollocks a lot as well?

Death is good for you!

Post 8


I have never heard of someone coming back for the dead so it must be a nice place to be. otherwise no one would do it.


Post 9

RichardG R#26400

One can only surmise . . . smiley - winkeye

Death is good for you!

Post 10

RichardG R#26400

Well, there was supposed to be one notable exception . . .

Maybe he left his sandals behind?

Death is good for you!

Post 11

Researcher 35912

Possibly .The way I feel I may already be there or do I just need to go to bed Probable

Death is good for you!

Post 12

Traal Bugblatter

The trouble with death is that you're dead !

Death is good for you!

Post 13


How would you know? After all, the light at the end of the tunnel could just be like the little spot that goes out last on your telly...

Sorry, you're probably all too young to remember that!

Death is the and unknown end to what we know as life, and as I for one enjoy life I would rather avoid Death!


Post 14

A Popular Pariah

I find this article to be heavy biased towards Christian dogma and it's perspective on death. What ever happened
to the simple, unbiased biological definition of death which involves the cessation of cellular respiration (with
no religious strings attached)?


Post 15

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Or the Nordic variant: the all-boozing, all-wenching, All-Father Odin's eternal piss-up.


Post 16

Evil Bobchan

Sounds good to me smiley - smiley


Post 17

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Cheers, Evil!


Post 18

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

no man fears being dead. Only the stroke of death itself.

as someone once said. Which begs the question what is so scary about death stroking technique


Post 19

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Haven't you noticed the boney fingers?


Post 20


Death isn't so bad really, it's just that it lasts for soooo long.

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