A Conversation for Death

Your spirit leaves you, and it weighs 5kg?

Post 1


You hear religions talking of Heaven and Hell etc. but isn't it strange, that after you die, it is proven that you lose 5kg? the SECOND you die you lose 5kg. some people say that is your "spirit" leaving your body. But can a spirit really weigh a certain amount?
and then once your spirit is gone, where does it go? i mean..it can't really roam around the streets for ever, it has to go somewhere, is there a heaven and hell? why can't science come up with some evidence on that instead of telling us the truth about the Big Bang theory?
Creation is in the past, death is in the future...we want to know about that.

Your spirit leaves you, and it weighs 5kg?

Post 2


In the American film 21 Grams, it is narrated (by Mr. Penn) that dead people have only 21 grams of their body misplaced. Here's hoping there's a lost and found for our misplaced masses.

Your spirit leaves you, and it weighs 5kg?

Post 3


erm one word 'compressed air' an average of 21 grams of air is compressed by you lungs and when you die you exhale hence you losing 21 grams. (well you compress more than 21 grams but 21 is the average amount exhaled) :p

Your spirit leaves you, and it weighs 5kg?

Post 4

Gregg Bayes

What amuses me is the thought that just before you kick it, a team of scientists enter the scene with a set of scales.

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