A Conversation for Germany


Post 1

Researcher 38950

1) The correct spelling of "Wiener Schnizel" is "Wiener Schnitzel"!
2) The Wiener Schnitzel has nothing to do with Germany. In fact it comes from Austria*. Wien = Vienna
The rest is absolutly correct

*That country where there are no cangoroos at at all ( maby some in the zoo, but they were imported and don't like the climate at all )
I have never seen one though, althoug I would really like to - maby a should make a trip to Australia, or visit the zoo..


Post 2


Do you know who wrote the article about Germany?
And by the way Germans quite like to eat Wiener Schnitzel and Wiener Wuerstchen!


Post 3

Der Kommisar

Kangaroos and maybe okay there now!! Und mach schnell wit die Artsies, I'l be late
for a disco in Stuttgart. Oder ich wuerde ihnen schaden muessen.


Post 4


what really worries me though is that austria gave points to germany in this year's song contest. that's not natural. something's going on.


Post 5


Austria gave points to Germany last year too. I think they did it because they just want to be good neighbours. And what do you mean by something's going on?


Post 6


it didn't watch it last year, admittedly, so i'll have to take your word for that.
still, i don't like the idea. the purpose of the song contest was that austria doesn't give points to germany, and vice versa. just like in ski jumping really.
the german audience doesn't shout "ziiii" though in the song contest for some reason, and that's why germany never wins.

"something's going on" was just meant as a mild suspicion of conspiracy marker (as opposed to the strong one, "COINCIDENCE!!!???")

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