This is the Message Centre for broelan

Excuses excuses...

Post 1


I know I've been lurking a bit lately, even though it appears I haven't gotten much accomplished. The fact is I haven't got quite as much free time as I've had in the past, and I'm a bit overextended at the moment.

I figured I'd post this here once instead of trying to offer up excuses on all the projects I'm currently involved in.

For the record, they are:
smiley - starCompiling the collaborative on Breastfeeding
smiley - starOrganising 'Done Too Soon'
smiley - starMulti-part entry on Route 66
smiley - starGem Polishing for the Underguide
smiley - starHelping edit The Post during Greeb's absence
smiley - starAceing and Scouting
And I have a couple of independent entries in PR

What the Heck is Going On?

Well, for those that don't know, I do about 98% of my hootooing from work. We've had a re-shuffle recently which has resulted in my being moved to a different office (back to my old office, really), where my workload has increased more than I expected it would. Once I get settled in and establish somewhat of a routine I should have a bit more time, but I have a few projects to finish up before I go on leave which will also take time away from my farting around on here.

The pregnancy is going well, I have about six weeks left to go. I guess it's just about time to open up the wagering smiley - winkeye. We still have a lot of work to do around the house, but I've insisted we can't move the computer out of the baby's room until we get the cable installed in the other room so we're not offline. We've decided to skip the paint (for budgeting considerations) but we still have a lot of furniture to assemble!

I do plan to log on from home while I'm off work (which I rarely do now), but it's occurred to me that between 2-hour naps, feedings, diaperings and housework I'll probably still not have the online time I'm used to getting.

What Does It All Mean?

All of this is really just an extremely long-winded way of saying 'bear with me'. I intend to see all my projects through, they're just going to take a little longer than expected. smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

Excuses excuses...

Post 2

You can call me TC

We will "bear with you" - figuratively, however, not literally!

When the betting starts, I'll put my smiley - 2cents on a girl.

Excuses excuses...

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm hoping for a kitten smiley - bigeyes

Excuses excuses...

Post 4

Shea the Sarcastic

... or a bigger bun? smiley - winkeye

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