This is the Message Centre for Milla, h2g2 Operations

Hello, out there..

Post 1


Well, a Lunduner, eh?
You sound as if you had some good stories to tell..
Please, more, more, when you've time.

I have it on good authority that as an ex-Londoner, now moved to the SE coast, I am completely mad, or eccentric at best. One of my greatest friends is halfBrit, halfSwedish, and when we went on holiday to Greece together, many many years ago, she taught me how to say 'I don't understand Swedish' in that language, as she was lusted after by so many young persons.. Mind you, when someone asked where she came from, she gave a sweet smile and explained we were mountain goats.. but since she wasn't speaking Greek or English, her admirers merely goggled and laughed..

I used to write fantasy novels, but am now supposed to be at work on a biography of a 19th century psychiatrist. May sound dull, but he isn't, I promise, albeit sexist, infuriating, and much more - but also amusing, entertaining, and fascinating. He lived to be 98, still bright and interested in new things. The trouble I have is that he lived so long, and wrote and spoke so much, that there's too much material, and I sit in my study and contemplate it with a deep and weary sigh..

Ah, such is life, eh?
Personally, I believe birth is a mistake, but at least it's one that is eventually resolved..

If you were given a list of choices, before you were born, which three items would you tick 'yes' to? endless possibilities, of course, including dull stuff like place and gender.smiley - bubbly

Hello, out there..

Post 2

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Well, hej på dig!

I'm not so sure about having stories to tell - I suppose you snoop around and see what you think of my postings... smiley - winkeye

Your half and half friend seems like a hoot! Do you still spend time together?

I get curious about yourself, is it on purpose that you haven't given away your gender? I wonder if I may have read your books? I don't read lots of fantasy, mind, more into SF, but still, I just might... Or may!

And what psychiatrist may it be that you write about now???

Three items to say Yes to??? Well, right now, I am pretty pleased with life in a general sense, and I can't say that changing things before my birth would make me happier. Perhaps not being myopic? Genes for being taller? Uh...

see you around later, my son wants to play THHGTTG games on the laptop

smiley - towel

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