A Conversation for Forthcoming h2g2 Community Events
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Let's have a South Wales meet!
Odo Posted Mar 7, 2003
St Fagons is near Cardiff, I think its other name is "Museum of Welsh life".
It's a collection of old houses/stores (and even a pub I think) all brought together on one site. Everything from Iron Age, to a terraced street showing homes at 20 year intervals from 1850ish to the present day. A good place to wander round and meet people if we're going to do an all day meet.
Let's have a South Wales meet!
Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness.. Posted Mar 20, 2003
Blimey, I think I visited that place on a school trip at about 10 years old!
cuz I'd love to take any opportunity to visit south west Wales, especially the Gower - fantastic beaches!
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Let's have a South Wales meet!
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