A Conversation for Forthcoming h2g2 Community Events

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 1

Frankie Roberto

I put this forward as a possible idea for 2003: A830747

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 2


smiley - ok Great idea!

Have you mentioned it on the 'French Connection' - A816725 ?

I'll update this page when I get some time. smiley - smiley

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 3

Frankie Roberto

No but I will now!

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 4


Great. smiley - smiley

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 5


Hiya, smiley - smiley

I live in Strasbourg and definitely be keen and probably able to attend a meet-up in Paris. smiley - biggrin

I also know Paris quite well, but then, I know that there was a project on Paris, so I won't be the only one. smiley - ok

I don't want to start listing 'things to do in Paris' at this stage, but perhaps volunteer to help with the 'communications' side of organising such a trip (phoning for details etc). Even if I couldn't come myself, I'd be happy to help out if I can.

Good luck getting it together

ps, do you imagine it would be mostly Uk based researchers 'abroad', or would you hope to get people from all over?

Silly question, i spose, but there aren't that many researchers based in France, that I know of, and particularly none that i know of in Paris.

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 6


Count me in - I'm only about 2hours south of Paris on the TGV so I'll easily be able to make it....

(I'll try and pick up a little information on accomodation if anyone's interested)

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 7


Yep, that'd be the one that I *do* know of! smiley - biggrin

hi Whiskey! smiley - ok

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 8



Off to look around for cheap transport/accomodation to try and persuade a few brits to sign up smiley - winkeye

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 9

Frankie Roberto

Yep, it would be great if you guys could help organise it! One of the most important things to do at this point is spread the word and get other researchers interested, but ideas about accomodation etc are great too, especially the only French I speak is 'bonjour' and 'voulez vous...' -actually let's not go there.

Please could you post something to the actual meet page as well so that people visiting there won't think it's empty.

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 10


This is great! I love Paris. Count me in as well please.

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 11

Fashion Cat


Paris + h2g2 researchers = smiley - scientist calculation... smiley - erm gosh, was it that long since I did any proper work... smiley - erm well that must equal a damn good weekend away surely??? smiley - winkeye

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 12

Frankie Roberto

Hey Mina, you didn't add this to the page!

I'll add everyone else who's expressed an interest.

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 13


Get yourselves organised with a month, and I'll add you. smiley - biggrin Although I could add you to 'sometime in 2003' depending on how I feel. smiley - winkeye

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 14


Done. smiley - ok

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 15

Frankie Roberto

I'll see what I can do organisation wise - but it's a way off yet.

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 16


oooooh, include me in pleeeeze!

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 17

Frankie Roberto

See the page for more info...

Possible Paris Meetup 2003

Post 18

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Just to add in my smiley - 2cents worth smiley - smiley

Note: This is a direct cut&paste from the askh2g2 thread here: F19585?thread=229690

Post 1: Yes, that's right everyone, the King is making a royal tour around Europe. Not only that, but I'm doing it during Winter too, specifically to bring joy into the dull, drab months of cold. So what's the itinerary?

Well, I arrive in Paris on the 16th of January, and shortly thereafter embark upon the tour of Europe - or some thereof, anyway. At this stage the destinations include most regions of France, Tuscany (Florence) and Venice in Italy, somewhere or other in Germany, and possible brief stops in Switzerland and Denmark, with a week or so in Finland. Following that, I'll be spending the remaining time (2-4 weeks, depending on how long the tour lasts) in Paris before stopping over in London on Sunday the second of March on the way home.

So... any advice, offers of accommodation, and particularly offers of a h2g2 meet to coincide with the time I'll be in your neighbourhood (or possibly to entice me to extend my royal tour to your neck of the woods) would be gratefully and gracefully received. smiley - ok

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