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What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 41


Darn it, you beat me.

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 42


^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 43


smiley - tongueout

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 44


That's the one
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 45


Just looking at your page to find summat else to talk about and other than wondering about the relevance of fish pictures next to the names of your cats, I saw the moan about coursework. I've got a great assignment to do, which isn't right for a mathematician, but they insist you do one or they won't give you a Masters degree.

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 46


Oh. the fish pix are there cos they're cool. Coursework, IHATEIT. I have chemistry to hand in next thiursday and I've ahrdly started it.
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 47


Sounds like me at sixth form.

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 48


Well, it's me at gcse level. What a-levels or equivalent r u doing?
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 49


I meant me when I was at sixth form. I'm now fourth year on a maths degree.

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 50


Whoops. I'm not stupid really. I like maths. So what alevels did you do?
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 51


Maths, further maths, physics, chemistry, general studies.

Some people say the last one doesn't count, but I count it because I got an A in it smiley - tongueout

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 52


Oh. I'm thinking of doing mathsy ones too, but I'm definitely doing French. What do you have to do for general studies? Most universities don't count it do they?
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 53


General Studies was one hour a week in the upper sixth, and we usually left early as well. Multiple choice and an essay made up the exam. You're quite right, some unis don't seem to think enough work goes into it.

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 54


sounds like fun!
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 55


It helps if, like me, you have the sort of brain that rebels against cramming, but is capable of remembering things like the fact that Berwick-upon-Tweed was at war with Russia for over a hundred years or that Oscar Wilde's last words were "Either that wallpaper goes, or I do."

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 56


Did you really learn stuff like that? I wanna do it! but I don't think they do it at our school. it's a posh private one. Oh well, no loss I spose. Cya, lûv me
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 57


No, you don't really learn stuff for general studies, because it's too, well, general. That's just stuff wot I know. Obscure facts are useful things to know in the exam, though.

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 58


You must explain EVERYTHING now!!!!!!!!!!!
^. .^
= ' =

What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 59



What's the difference between paraffin and petrol?

Post 60


arhar! conversation, prepare to be resurrected!
right, explain everything! smiley - winkeye
^. .^
= ' =

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