This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie


Post 1941


Hi everybody,sorry I am a bit late responding to your recent postings.
Although I have been self employed for quite a while the person me and my workmate have been doing a lot of work has offered us both a full time job on the books starting mid Jan,so I am still flat out.
I had a rather disappointing Christmas with a chest infection a few antibiotics a I felt lower than a slug's belly,still it's all up 'n' at 'em now.
Toots sweetie I hope you and yours are going to all have great year this year and thoughts of your dear mother although they take a very long time to fade do slowly get a little less painless.BTW we still have boxes of Mrs Cut-out's Ma's stuff around because sadly there are some valueless things that you,all never part with including your memoriessmiley - hug
Hi tickle,what a bad start the villa have had I honestly think lambert's a bit clueless but unless somebody shoots him he's here to stay.Just like my youngest son who moved back in last Feb who earns a lot more than me and can't manage apparentlysmiley - wah


Post 1942


Rikii, I've just seen the dreadful news about your son. I'm devastated for you - that's surely every parent's nightmare. Can't really think of anything to say other than that my thoughts are with you. smiley - hug


Post 1943


Come on back to Sin's place Tick. smiley - smiley


Post 1944


Hi all,Sin's place has gone for the moment toots sweetie.R.smiley - hug


Post 1945


Hi all,Sin's place has gone for the moment toots sweetie.R.smiley - hug

BTW both,thanks for your kind words it is all a bit much for me at the moment,I went to the Coroner's court today and swore in so to speak and then the inquest was adjorned,the coroner said that because it's an unexplained death that he would not be suprised if a final verdict could not be reached in about six months to a year and we were issued with temporary death cirtificates so that we can remove the remains for his funeral service and close his accounts etc.R.smiley - sadface


Post 1946


See what you mean about Sin's place, Rikii. Is that a problem with Proboards? Teething troubles with the new version, perhaps?

Hi, Toots. How's tricks?


Post 1947


Hi tickle,IMHO I think somebody had a go at her again and she's shut up shop without notice.She will be missed I guess that some of these blogs do need rules and regulations at times and Whoever the offender was he/she should have recieved a yellow or red card.smiley - wah


Post 1948


This is Sin's final? message tickle.

« Thread Started Yesterday at 6:03pm »

This is all that remains of Original Sin.
I will leave this thread open for you to discuss which boards you wish to decamp to.

For over three and a half years I have been here.
I set the board up.
Run it single-handed.
Sat devising new ideas.
Tried, with singular lack of success, to get more people to join us.

I have shown sympathy over illness and bereavement.
Wondered and worried, while away from the board, over how you were all getting on during hard times.
Attempted to find missing members.

All this I have done in my own time.
Someone once sneeringly told me.....don't consider people on message boards to be friends.
I didn't listen.....I thought they were cynical.
But it turned out they were right.

Down the years I have been called many things on many boards, usually when daring to differ from the 'illiberal liberals'
This time was once too many.
To have my conscience called into question was the last straw.

So that, my friends, is that.

We've had a good run and I sincerely hope you all find a welcome somewhere else.

My love to you all,

Sinistral. smiley - wah


Post 1949


Just had a lurk at Sin's place, and look at what I found:-

« Thread Started Today at 9:18pm »

Hello again.
And apologies for the hiatus.

And to Arena......I really should be well beyond rising to the bait that you scatter so freely.
Not that I'm the only target, eh?

While you were flinging the 'f' word around here I suppose it is in some ways comforting to know that you were tossing the 'r' word round here.....

And I really must congratulate you on your brass neck.......putting a link here for your new board.
A bit like a vulture picking over a carcass.
Even so......I would have thought that advertising on my forum would be against your lofty principles.

Perhaps in future it might be a good idea if, while you're here, you didn't 'f' and 'r' at everyone with views different to your own.
It's not nice and somewhat buggers up the discussion......even though that might be your intention.


Post 1950


Hi tickle,it's great to see you back,I'm soaking up all this entertainment trying to switch off,but it's hard,my lad's facebook page (
so I've been told) is full of glowing tributes but I wont need to read them as I already know how great he was.
Still nothing will happen now until Tuesday, have you heard from Polly lately? regards.R.


Post 1951


Hi, Rikii. I hope you're coping alright. You seem to be, but it must be very hard. Some friends of Mrs Tickle lost their son nearly ten years ago when he was in his teens - he drowned on a family holiday in Portugal. I believe they have found a lot of comfort in Facebook pages and the lad's mum even set up her own tribute page. Still, that sort of thing is not for everyone - and you have your memorial poetry.

There's no word from Polly. If you want to get a message to her, you could try asking Mathos - I think he may still be in touch with her.

Courage, mon ami.

smiley - tickle


Post 1952


Hello tickle,yes I have written a few and received many from people who dont know that I dabble at it too.This effort is from my skin and blister and I am sure she wont mind me posting it here.R.

I can find no words of comfort
To offer you today
No magic spells or potions
To take the hurt away

If grief and hurt could be bundled
And placed into a sack
I would take it from you
And put it on my back

There’s no way to take away
The pain that rips your heart
Or reasons to explain
Why your world was torn apart

Grief is like a train ride
We all must take the ride
How long will the journey take
To reach the other side

I do not know the answer
It’s known to you alone
Know that as you take this ride
You’re never on your own

I’ll be sat beside you
As that ride may dip and bend
Helping you to see it through
Until the journey’s end.


Post 1953


She sounds like a good 'un, Rikii.

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